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 Assisted Suicide



Update: very serious allegations of bias by the committee examining the Bill have arisen. These allegations are disturbing and if true (and we have no reason to doubt them) then they make a mockery of democracy and justice.

Please go to https://righttolife.org.uk/asbillaction . Please read the text and if you are as disturbed by these allegations as we are then please sign the petition. If enough of us protest about the abominable way this Bill is being pushed through then they can't ignore us so easily. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” (original author uncertain).


This is taken from an email from Right To Life. Please support them as much as you can:

As of 28th January 2025 the assisted suicide Bill is at the Committee Stage in Parliament, where a group of 23 MPs will examine the Bill in detail.

It is very important that the many risks and flaws with the Bill are brought to the attention of the Committee. By highlighting these concerns, we will help MPs understand the major problems with introducing assisted suicide and why they must vote against the Bill when it comes to Third Reading later in the year.


The Committee has recently issued a call for written evidence. It is inviting people with relevant expertise or personal experience to submit evidence about the Bill and its proposals.

The Committee will begin considering evidence on 28 January.

If you have the appropriate expertise or personal experience, it is really important that you submit evidence. 

While there is no deadline for submitting evidence, we strongly advise doing so as soon as you can.

To find out if you fit the criteria to make a submission and learn how to make your submission, click the link below to access our guide on how to make a submission.

If you do not fit the criteria to submit evidence, there will be many more opportunities to help with ensuring this dangerous Bill is defeated at Third Reading. 

What you can do to help now is to forward this link https://righttolife.org.uk/SubmissionGuide on to anyone with relevant expertise or personal experience who is concerned about the Bill and encourage them to make a submission. If you need more information about identifying those who might qualify, the submission guide linked above provides further details.


Thought for the Week - Week Beginning 3rd February 2025



Last Wednesday, for my day off, I went for a lovely walk in the Newton area of the Trough of Bowland. It was a circular walk that led through the beautiful village of Slaidburn. This is an area that I had not visited for a few years, so I had forgotten how wonderful the area was. Just outside of the village of Slaidburn, the path passed through a short secluded woodland stretch  by a brook and amazingly I stumbled upon a single deer, which was a sight to behold. The path then took me to the edge of open country where I was able to appreciate the beauty and isolation of the Bowland Fells. Later on I caught up with a lovely group of 5 friends who were part of a walking group based in Morecambe and they allowed me to walk with them for a good mile or so back to Newton, where my car was parked. They took me a long a route that differed from my guide book which was great as it opened up  new possibilities for me. Most importantly it was great to have company for some of the way. 

On Sunday evening , I spontaneously ended up going with a friend to the lovely old cinema in Hebden Bridge  to see the new Bob Dylan film “A Complete Unknown”. I am a big fan of Dylan, but I particularly like his material from the mid 1970’s  whereas this film covered his early career from 1961 to 1965. However, the music, the cinematography, the acting in fact everything about the film is brilliant.  I was amazed at the huge crowd of people that filled the cinema that evening, and loved the fact that you can take mugs of tea or coffee into the cinema and there is plenty of leg room betywen the rows of seats. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and capped off perfectly a lovely weekend.  

On Tuesday morning we celebrated Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Even though it is an optional Memorial, I think it is very important to highlight this feast day. The feast recalls the encounters in 1858 with Our Blessed Lady and St Bernadette Soubirous, a poor 14 year old girl, just outside the village of Lourdes in the Pyrenean foothills.  Lourdes has over the years become an important place of pilgrimage and healing. If like myself you have been fortunate enough to visit Lourdes you will know it is a place  of centrality for the sick; its also a place of prayer and Reconciliation. At the Mass we sang a couple of hymns including  the Lourdes hymn “Immaculate Mary”; however it was remiss of me to omit the important 4th verse of this hymn:  

For poor, sick, afflicted,Thy mercy we crave;
And comfort the dying,Thou light of the grave!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave Maria!

The feast day coincides for obvious reasons with World Day of Prayer for the Sick, so on this day we remember all those who are sick, infirm or in hospital and ask the care and love of Our Lady of Lourdes for them. As I recall the number of pilgrimages which I have made to Lourdes over the years, I give thanks for all the good people who I have got to know through these experiences. In this Jubilee Year, may Our Lady of Lourdes guide us as we journey as pilgrims of hope. 

After Mass on Tuesday, in my capacity as being part of the Diocesan Permanent Diaconate support team, I had arranged to meet an enquirer at the Irish Heritage Centre in Cheetham Hill, Manchester, however the arrangements went awry and the meeting unfortunately did not materialise. Nevertheless I am a firm believer in “every cloud having a silver lining; as I waited in hope, in the busy café for an hour or more, over good value tea and toast, for my appointment to arrive , a fellow customer called Joe originally from County Tipperary began a conversation with me. After a few minutes he realised I was a priest and we quickly spoke of people with whom we were mutually acquainted. Just prior to parting company, Joe asked my name and said he would remember it and hoped to see me again. In the evening, he had taken the trouble to look  up my email address and had sent me a lovely message along with a picture of himself and his dog. It could be the start of a good friendship. The Lord is always at work even when our plans do not work out as we expect.

I hope this reflection is of interest to you and I thank you very much for reading it, 


Fr David 




or click below for:

Saint(s) of the DayReadings at Today's Mass

(With thanks to universalis.com (Diocese of Salford calendar))




Assisted Suicide -

Disappointly, the death bill was passed today (29th November 2024) by Parliament but with a much smaller majority than many expected.

However, this insidious, immoral, wrong-headed Bill still has a long way to go through the House of Commons and then the House of Lords -

The fight isn't over - we'll publish the next steps you can take to oppose this dreadful Bill as soon as they become known; watch this space!

Meanwhile you might like to see actor and disability rights advocate Liz Carr's BBC documentary on assisted suicide, Better Off Dead? You can watch it for free by clicking the link below (you do not need a TV licence). It might give you some ideas about what you'd like to say to Oliver Ryan. 


Better Off Dead?



Job Vacancies at Theodore House, Stonyhurst

Please click here for further details


Parish-wide Groups:

Knights of St Columba


More info...

svp 70

Society of St Vincent de Paul

More info...



Burnley Catenians welcomed their third new member in the last six months as Bukas Okey-Amichi from St John the Baptist Church, Padiham was enrolled at the February 2025 meeting. Welcome Bukas and Rebecca. The photos show Bukas with Burnley President John McNabb and Membership Officer Mick Armfield.


Bukas John Feb 25v2


Bukas John Mick Feb 25v2


Another piece from the Catenians: 


Following a Circle meeting in Autumn 2024, the Circle’s 1920 Charter (on display at every meeting) suffered damage. Circle Membership Officer, Brother Mick Armfield undertook to repair the glass.

When removing the damaged glass he found, behind the actual Charter, another formal document titled The Catenian Association Charge which bore the signatures of the original members as well as the Charge (now a Pledge). Reference to minutes of the early meetings has enabled us to identify the signatories. This charge document has now been framed and is displayed in St Mary’s Parish Rooms (the venue for Circle Council meetings), courtesy of Fr David, together with an explanatory sheet which details the actual Charge and gives the names of the founding Brothers of the Circle.


Charge b


Circle Charge explain c


Burnley Catenians have had a busy few months:

We welcomed two new members  Jordan Holsgrove and Philip Needham


IMG 2072(l-r) Circle President John McNabb, Jordan Holsgrove, Philip Needham and Mick Armfield (Circle Membership Officer) 


We held our annual pie night at Rolls Royce, Barnoldswick


Image 2rev


We went to the Mechanics to see an Eagles Tribute Band and dined in the Bistro




Table 2c


Table 1rev


Table 3 rev


We held a very successful Ladies' Night Dinner Dance at Nelson House when 86 Brothers, Ladies and guests enjoyed the food and entertainment.





 Look out for events in 2025, parishioners will be welcomed at many of them


Churches Together in Burnley are Blessing the Town Centre Crib with Carols on Saturday 30 November at 1pm with refreshments to follow.


Blessing of the Crib 2024



KSC Council 110 are holding their Chrismas Cracker event in St John's Parish Rooms on Friday 6 December.  Tickets are £5 and are available from Ray Williamson (0794 026 0034), Bernard Mullin (0780 086 7554) or Trevor Ireland (0752 601 4568)


Christmas Cracker 2024



The Catenians would like to invite Parishioners to join them for the Christmas meal which follows the Circle meeting on Wednesday 11 December at Nelson House.  The meal will be at 20:15 and will be followed by Christmas Carols, price £25.

The menu will be:

  • Vegetable Soup;
  • Roasted Turkey, roasted potatoes, new potatoes, pigs in blankets, cauliflower cheese, parsnips, carrots and gravy;
  • Christmas pudding, served with cream;
  • Coffee and mints.

Bookings to Terry Hephrun This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 0789 659 8854




Burnley Catenians and friends had a great night dining at The Kettledrum then watching the St Cuthbret's production of The Wizard of Oz.


Kettledrum Nov 24


Events organised by the Knights of St Columba and the Catenians over the next month


Ladies Night 24 booking formBurnley Catenians Annual Ladies' Night will be held at Nelson House on Friday 15 November - booking arrangements above.  All welcome.


Decd Mass p1

The Annual KSC Mass for Deceased Brothers will be celebrated at St Mary's on 9 September at the 0930 Mass.  All welcome


Decd Mass p1b

Burnley Catenian Circle's Mass for Deceased Brothers will be held at the Chapel, Blessed Trinity RC College on Wednesday 13 November at 1830 prior to the monthly meeting and meal at Nelson House.  All welcome.


Burnley Catenians  have had another busy few months.  Here are some images from various events:


Group 24b

 A group from the Family Bowls event with the winners Myles Moore and Tom Wilkinson (KSC) in the centre.


The Circle was pleased to welcome a new member, Philip Needham, in September.


Phil Kelly John 4


Philip and Kelly Needham with Circle President John McNabb


Phil Mick John


Philip, John and Mick Armfield, Circle Membership Officer

image 1b


The Circle, with guests, enjoyed the annual Pie Night at Rolls Royce, Barnoldswick


Circle members and guets enjoyed a trip to the Mechanics to dine and see Talon, an Eagles Tribute Band.




Table 1c


Table 2c


Table 3c


The group was delighted to see some artwork from Mary Marsland dispayed in the bar area.


Mary 3b




August 2024

Parish Garden Party Pics

 Thanks to Andrew Carter we have some nice photos of this year's parish garden party, held on Sunday 11th August. The sun shone down and by all accounts everyone had a lovely time. Andrew captured the moment(s) on camera -

take a peek:



July 2024





Job Vacancies at Theodore House, Stonyhurst

Housekeeping staff needed, permanent part-time (days/hours to be negotiated) and temporary ad hoc assistance (paid by the hour in cash).

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full time guest and domestic administrator required from September.

Job specs: https://www.theodorehouse.com/vacancies/

June 2024

Burnley Catenians have had a busy few months.  Here are some of the images:

Jones scroll

 Michael Jones was presented with a scroll to mark 40 years ' membership.


group 1b     group 2b

There was an end of Circle Year Meal at the Palazzo


Tiernan Conroy 5b


Peter Tiernan was presented with his 50 year membership certificate by Mark Conroy, Great Britain National President.


Hospice donation Apr 24c      BFCitC photo Apr 24b

Charitable donation cheques were presented to Pendleside Hospice and BFCitC Food Bank.


SG May 24b


SG table 1b  SG table 2

25 Members and Guests saw the Simon & Garfunkel Story concert at the Mechanics preceded by a meal in the Bistro


Walk for Life poster 2024


Walk 2024c

With the KSC, we organised the 2024 Walk for Life


Usha May 24c


Members, parishioners and guests enjoyed the Wednesday Buffet at the Usha and added to the President's Charity Fund.



Details of the Blessed Trinity RC College production at the Mechanics:


High School Musical Poster July 24


Further information about the Walk for Life on Bank Holiday Monday 27 May 2024


Walk for Life poster 2024f


Route May 24          Sponsor sheet May 24



May 2024

"The Biggest Battle on Abortion in a Generation"

We received this email from Right To Life UK on 2nd May 2024 -

please read and act now

I just wanted to make contact to let you know that the Leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, has just announced that Report Stage of the Criminal Justice Bill is going to be on Wednesday 15 May.

This means that we have under two weeks until the biggest battle on abortion in a generation.

On Wednesday 15 May, MPs will be given the opportunity to vote on two pro-life changes to the law - one amendment tabled by Caroline Ansell MP to lower the abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks - and another tabled by Liam Fox MP that would bring the abortion time limit for babies with Down's syndrome in line with the time limit for babies that do not have disabilities (as you likely know, abortion for Down's syndrome is currently legal right up to birth).

MPs will also have the opportunity to vote on two extreme abortion up to birth amendments that have been tabled by pro-abortion MPs Stella Creasy and Diana Johnson.

I just wanted to let you know that I will be in contact more frequently than usual over the next couple of weeks with campaign actions for you to take. These will be easy actions you can take that will be crucial to building momentum behind the pro-life amendments and giving them the best chance of passing - as well as ensuring these extreme abortion up to birth amendments are defeated.

Please keep an eye out for emails that I send and be ready to take action.

Many lives are at stake here. Actions you take ahead of these votes, such as writing to your MP, will play a big part in persuading MPs to vote the right way.

If you haven't already emailed your MP asking them to oppose the abortion up to birth amendments, you can write to them now using our easy-to-use tool by clicking here.

Similarly, if you haven't asked your MP to support the amendment to reduce the time limit, you can write to them now using our tool by clicking here.
Best wishes,

Catherine Robinson
Right To Life UK

Artwork on article "The Biggest Battle on Abortion in a Generation" from Right To Life UK


Burnley KSC Council 110 and Burnley Catenians are again organising a Sponsored Walk for Life on Bank Holiday Monday 27 May 2024.  Details on the poster below.  Sponsor forms will be available.


Walk for Life poster 2024f


Burnley Catenians Spring 2024 Activities


Burnley Catenians are holding another Curry Night at the Usha on Wednesday 22 May. 

All welcome.  Details on the poster below:


Usha May 24 c



January 2024


KSC 110 Club closed after 61 years on Yorkshire Street


The Knights of St Columba Burnley Council 110 has announced that it is closing the KSC 110 Club.  The doors were closed for the final time after a darts match on Thursday 18 January.

The KSC Club moved from a small property on back Manchester Road to the building at the corner of Yorkshire Street and Albert Street in May 1962.

Since then the Club has been the base for the KSC for its community, spiritual, social and sporting activities. Over time, the Club expanded into adjacent properties and, on a number of occasions, redeveloped all three floors of the building.

At the present time, the Club has a multi-purpose lounge on the ground floor, a function room on the first floor and a games room on the top floor.

Council 110 Grand Knight, Tony Young, said “This is a very sad day for all of us involved in the KSC in Burnley, but I’m afraid the Club has suffered from a loss of its traditional clientele and it has been impossible in current trading conditions for the Club to take enough money over the bar to pay all the bills. The last few months have not been helped by restricted access as a result of the construction work at our front door. We are very grateful for the sympathetic approach taken by some of our suppliers, but there are really no prospects for us to increase trade to the level that would be required.

“We are also grateful for all our members and customers who have supported us for 61 years. Over that time we have seen parties for weddings, baptisms, birthdays and funerals. We have been a consistent venue for live music and have had some well-known names appearing at the club including Mike Harding (at Burnley Folk club), Les Dennis, Frank Carson, Jimmy Cricket, Emile Ford and even a punk rock group. Our children have often had their first experience of work here and we thank all the people who worked and volunteered here over the years. We provided a lot of sporting activities for our members, including football, cricket, table tennis, snooker and darts teams. Unfortunately, in recent years, the number of teams have diminished which in turn has contributed to the decline in Club use. We have also welcomed thousands of football supporters on their way to and from Burnley FC matches.

“The Club has been the base for the KSC fundraising activities and we have raised many thousands of pounds for local, regional and national charities - most recently the Handicapped Children’s Fellowship and the Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund at Holly Grove School.

“This will not be the end for the Knights of Saint Columba in Burnley as we move towards our Centenary in 2025. We will continue with our work and intend that the money raised from the sale of the property will enable us to continue to support the Roman Catholic Church, our schools and other good causes and KSC 110 will continue to fund raise for charities.”



Knights and Catenians support for Blessed Trinity RC College Prize Night.


KSC Burnley Council 110 and Burnley Catenian Circle sponsored prizes at this year's Blessed Trinity Awards Night.  The photos show two individual winners and a group photo with Terry Hephrun (Past Grand Knight and current Circle President) with guest of honour Councillor Afrasiab Anward MBE (Leader of Burnley Borough Council.

Prize Night 2023


Prize night 2023 WJD


Jacob Williams 23


 The results of this year's KSC Christmas Draw

Christmas Draw results Dec 23




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For the latest CAFOD News click here


This year's Blessed Trinity RC College Carols


Carol Concert rev


Details of a prayer vigil for the conflict iin Israel/Palestine organised by Building Bridges.


Peace vigil dec 23


 For information about the Catenian Bursary Fund scan the QR code.


Bursary poster Nov 23 b


You've heard it from Cardinal Nichols - Catenians strengthen Catholic communities. If you want to learn more about what we do, or you want to get involved with your local group then please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Vincent Nichols



A group of Burnley Catenians joined a concert by a Beatles Tribute Band, the Upbeat Beatles, at Burnley Mechanics Theatre.  They enjoyed an excellent pre-show meal in the 1855 Bistro. 

Mechanics Diners Oct 23


Mechanics entrance     Upbeat Beatles Oct 23

Forthcoming events: Mass for Deceased Brothers at Blessed Trinity RC College Chapel at 1830 on Wednesday 8 November followed by the monthly meeting and meal; Ladies' Night Dinner Dance at Nelson House on Friday 17 November; December meeting, Christmas meal with Carols also at Nelson House on Wednesday 14 December.  Please get in touch for more information.


October 2023


Thank You to all those Parish Volunteers
who attended the DBS Clinic!

The response we had was terrific - thank you!
In case you (or future volunteers) ever need the info again, we'll leave it available - see link below

For further information and a guide for what to do please click here


Event coming up in November for Burnley Catenians.

Decd Mass 2023 p1rev

 And for KSC

Decd Mass 2023 p1


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You will all no doubt be shocked and deeply saddened by what has unfolded over the last two weeks in Israel and Gaza. CAFOD is in close contact with its partners in the region and is putting in place emergency plans to help those in most need as soon as it is safe to do so. However, one essential thing that we all can do is pray for peace. Here is a prayer from CAFOD to help us do that.


Middle East Prayer v1


For more information on the situation in the Holy Land and all the latest CAFOD news just visit the CAFOD Group's webpage:


Click here to view the CAFOD Group's webpage




"When you have more than you need build a longer table not a higher fence."

(Author unknown)


From Safe Passage:

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People seeking safety in the UK need safe routes

My name is Omid, and I’m a Young Leader at Safe Passage.
When I arrived in Europe through Greece, there was no support or accommodation available to me. I was in a dire situation. I was not safe. I had to leave. I made the decision to come to the UK, where I was hoping to start a new life. But instead, I got faced with many barriers.
It is very dangerous to come to the UK from France. There was nowhere I could get advice on how to reach the UK safely. When there are no safe routes, people have no other choice than crossing the Channel. So I did.
This situation puts people at the risk of smugglers and traffickers. They make you pay or work for them. Why do some fearing for their safety have to take such huge risks, when others don’t? I am very happy for my Ukrainian friends, who had a safe journey to the UK. It shows that when they exist, safe routes do work. But most people don’t have this luck. I had to come by boat. 
Safe routes are the solution. Safe routes can stop people dying in the Channel. Safe routes can stop so much money going to the smugglers every single day. We know the border can’t be open to everyone. But the Government has the power to end tragedies in the Channel. It's been done before with Ukraine, and it can be done again.
We need your help to make sure my message resonates loud and clear with anyone in power who needs to hear this.

Read more about our Routes to Safety campaign


All about the Catenians Oct 23


Monday 9th October was the Feast Day of Saint John Henry Newman.
If you've ever been puzzled as to your lot in life, this little article by him may help...

Click here to view


cafod logo 2021 240

The CAFOD Group page has just been updated. To read the latest news on the tragic situations in Morocco and Libya, how CAFOD are helping and how you can help just click here. You can also sign an open letter to Rishi Sunak regarding the recently passed Illegal Immigration Act by clicking the above link. Many thanks for your continuing generous support.



A programme of events, from Building Bridges in Burnley,

from September to December 2023.

 BBiB events Sep Dec 23v3


Reciept from Right to Life - the proceeds of the Sponsored walk.

Right to Life donation receipt Aug 23


 IT'S NOT ALL BAD NEWS...YouCanSaveMe 140

Following on from the parish's recent sponsored walk on behalf of Right To Life, we've had this encouraging news from them - Pro-lifers in Malta have achieved a major victory and stopped abortion coming to Malta. After major protests the Maltese goverment was forced to back down. Goodness knows how many lives have been saved.

Read how they did it in this informative article


cafod logo 2021 240

The CAFOD Group page has just been updated. To read the latest news and take part in CAFOD's campaign action to "Stop Cowboy Lenders", just click here! Many thanks to Fr Brian for raising funds for CAFOD's Ukraine Appeal and congratulations to him on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of ordination.



Some of you may remember Fr Brian Kealey, who was parish priest of Christ the King Burnley some years ago. Fr Brian is celebrating the 40th anniversary of his ordination by doing a sponsored walk from Darwin (where his current parish is) to Burnley and back in one day in aid of CAFOD's fund for the people of Ukraine.

If you'd like to sponsor Fr Brian please go to:


Thank you for your generosity!



 See photos from the Turf Moor Supper after the Mass celebrating the 30th anniversary of  Fr David's ordination PLUS a video of the wonderful singing! -

click here to view



Walk for Life update:

A cheque for£2,176 has been sent to the Right to Life Charity as a result of the Walk for Life Sponsored Walk organised by Burnley KSC and Catenians on May Bank Holiday Monday.





30thAnniv 500




Brother James Capstick, KSC Action and Youth Officer has completed a cycle ride of Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way. James completed the 1600-mile route in under a fortnight staying at B&Bs and, in the absence of a better offer, in a tent or the support van.

The route is one of the longest defined coastal routes in the world; James started at Malon Head, County Donegal and finished at Kinsale, County Cork.   James planned to undertake the challenge pre-pandemic but finally managed it this year. The ride was in memory of the great Pat Smullen, nine times Irish champion flat race jockey who sadly died of pancreatic cancer at 43. James coped with the vagaries of the Irish weather and a challenging route. He was ably assisted by his support team – PGK Trevor Ireland in a hired Intack van.

The amount raised currently stands at £1,400 (for Cancer Research Ireland for whom Pat did so much to raise awareness.

James said: “The memories of the magical country and the generosity of its people will never fade”.

James is no stranger to marathon fund raisers. In 2022, he cycled to all 10 English Rugby League (The Bet Fred Super League) grounds, covering 300 miles in just four days. The marathon was in aid of the Rob Burrow Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Centre. In 2021, he cycled from Burnley to Leeds (via Inverness) and raised more than £2000 – again for MND. He has also run marathons in support of his fund-raising activity.

We look forward to his next adventure – Pennine Way on a unicycle, Route 66 on a tandem, James?

Please look at the KSC page on this website for photos


Burnley Catenians held their first Family Bowls afternoon for five years at Greenhill Bowling Club in sun blessed conditions. Winners were Circle Treasurer Peter Nuttall and KSC Council 110 Brother Myles Moore. Circle President Terry Hephrun with Janet were runners up - again. Thanks to Mick Armfield for organising.

TH winners2

Terry with Miles and Peter with their prizes

Group 5

Group of semi finalists and supporters


Come and join us at Saint John the Baptist for the parish summer Sizzlerposter





Blessed Trinity RC College is putting on a show at the Mechanics.

JCS Promo Landscape2



 As part of the 2022/23 Catenian President's Charity, John and Jancie McNabb recently handed over a cheque for £400 to MacMaillan Cancer Support.


John McNabb McMillan June 23

The photo shows John and Janice flanked by Kelly and Danielle from Mcmillan.


Burnley KSC and Catenians held a sponsored Walk for Life on May Bank Holiday.  The 10k route took us along the canal, through Bank Hall and to Netherwood and Rowley and back finishing with refreshments in KSC 110 Club.  In addition to KSC, Catenians and parishioners, we were joined by a group from the Hidden Gem in Manchester.  As usual in Burnley, the weather was glorious.

Walk Club May 23 c


Rowley May 23 d


James Capstick, St Mary's parishioner and KSC Action & Youth Officer has offered his thanks to all parishioners who helped him raise £1100 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association by sponsoring him in the recent Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon. He is always very grateful for the support and generosity.

His next fund raising venture will be cycling The Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland from Malin Head to Kinsale - 1,600 miles in total. The journey will be 11 to 25 June. This time he will be raising money and awareness for Irish Cancer Research in memory of Pat Smullen, nine times champion jockey. Donations can be made online:   justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jamescapstick . Your amazing support help will be very much appreciated - again.



May 2023


Have a look at the Catenians page for updates about the new Catenian Assocation National President - who is from Burnley Circle.



April 2023






KSC Burnley Council 110 had a Celebration Night at KSC 110 Club with Good Samaritan Parish Priest Fr David and Friends providing the musical entertainment.

Council 110 Grand Knight Tony Young handed over cheques for £1000 each to Holly Grove School’s Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund and to the Catholic Fellowship for the Handicapped following the last year’s fundraising activity.

Then two Council members received the KSC Award for Meritorious Service. Past Grand Knight Trevor Ireland was recognised for his contribution to Council welfare during the Covid pandemic, his support for the Church not least his practical help in providing transport to African priests to serve the Good Samaritan parish and his practical involvement in the Council’s organisation of the Province 21 Christmas poster campaign and, this year, the Easter posters. This year alone the Council has delivered in excess of 40,000 Christmas posters and 27,000 Easter posters to help spread the Gospel message. Trevor has also been the support team on many of the Council Action and Youth Officer James Capstick’s amazing fund-raising efforts.

Spiritualistic and Welfare Officer Steve Hird was unwell on the night and will receive his Award later. His work on welfare of Brothers, wives and widows is exceptional and he offers the Council detailed monthly reports on his activities. Steve also helped with the poster campaigns transporting the posters from printer to Post Office thus saving costs.

Mrs Ita Thomas received a bunch of flowers for her work as Secretary to the Christmas poster campaign.

Mrs Maureen Heys received a bunch of flowers for her help with the catering at the Club on matchdays and other occasions.

Three priests received the KSC Member of Honour Certificates. Fr Job and Fr Benjamin are based at St John the Baptist Church in Good Samaritan Parish. Fr Peter Hapgood-Strickland was formerly an Anglican priest working in Burnley and has recently been ordained in the Roman Catholic Church. He is a regular supporter of the Monday night KSC quiz in spite of being based in Ramsbottom.

KSC Supreme Director for Action and Social, Stephen McMillan was present for the evening and took away a cheque for £1000 for the Let the Children Live charity. Bro Stephen kept attendees up to date with the results of the KSC Grand National Draw which was made concurrently in Glasgow.

Finally, £695 was raised on the night for CAFOD which was made up to £1000 by Province.


Please see the KSC page for photos of the event.





For more information on KSC and Catenian activities please refer to the relevant page.


April 2023


As this awful earthquake fades into yesterday's news and then into non-news in the public's mind, please don't forget:

Turkey Syria Appeal Parish Poster 800

(click on the poster above to go there)




The Turin Shroud


The parish visit to the replica of the Turin Shroud was "thought provoking" "inspirational" "emotional" - these are a few comments of the over thirty people, plus several with us in spirit, that visited Stoneyhurst College last Sunday. The support given to each other across the parish was a real sign of our growing and flourishing!!


Please click here for a slideshow of photos taken during our trip

(accompanying music: 'Easy Day' by Kevin McCloud (https://directory.audio/free-music/country-folk/4611-kevin-macleod-easy-day)

used courtesy of Creative Commons Licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) )




Could you save a life?








Parish Coach trip to Oscott Seminary 12th Feb '23:

Here's some photos - click here






 update from Nelsons Secret Singers

"Nelson Secret Singers" are of all abilities, sharing songs in rounds, four part harmonies - with fun - and its only week three!!! Several members of the Good Samaritan Parish family are involved so you will see a familiar face if you are free to join in. It's Thursdays 730pm to 930pm at Christchurch Nelson. Interested? - our Parish contact is Maria Boys 07929 256406




 Have a look at the Catenians page for the latest updates.



Single Catholic North West Walking Group



This is the first Meetup group of it's kind in the North West of England! A walking group specificaly for single practicing Catholics and those who are interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith.

An opportunity to walk in the beautiful countryside and talk about anything from the faith, the Church and the world. Rosaries will be prayed and sung along the way and there will be opportunities to socialise afterwards.

When available a priest may be walking with us to give guidance in the faith, on vocations and be available for discrete confession.

The aim of this group is to bring like minded people together to form friendships, marriages, and other holy vocations, God willing!


Join us on Meetup:



If you have any questions please contact the organiser, Sean This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




NelsonLancsSecretSingersJanBlock 2


Nelson Secret Singers begins Thursday January 5th 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Christ Church 15 Cross Street Nelson - "can't sing" ? This is for you - songs from various styles and cultures will hopefully give us confidence in singing - to bring along to our parish community. There is a charge to cover costs however the first session is being offered for free as a 'taste and sing'. Maria Boys 07929 256406 is our parish contact and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is the leader and a member of the Natural Voice Network a group who believe singing is everyone's birthright!



Christopher Whittle of the St John's congregation sent us this:C Whittle Book tr cr 120

"My new book on the Hillsborough Tragedy is out now.  It is also about my life in general, my many health issues, family life and the role within the church.  The book is available at £12 each, which includes a £2 donation to the parish for each book sold.

"I will arrange a book signing, maybe as soon as next Sunday.  This can be done after Mass when we get together for a cuppa and a cake!!!  I will order more copies once I sell out.
"Thank You
"Christopher Whittle"

Come and join us to say the Rosary after each week-day Mass at Christ the King Church, Monday, Wednesday and Friday

(NB Mass times may change so

Click here to check this week's Mass times )






remembrance day menin 200Lest We Forget...sunset 815270 200


Today we remember all the young men who fell in the Great War of 1914 - 1918:



To view a list of those from our parish who fell in the Great War, and where we have information learn a little about them, click on the links below:


St Mary's (which in those days covered the area which later became Christ the King Parish) click here


St John's - click here



Please click here for news of the latest marathon fundraiser by a KSC Brother and a Pre-Christmas event.


 Click here for the latest Catenian news.


H. M. Queen Elizabeth II, the only monarch most of us have ever known -

Requiescat in Pace Ma'am


There is an official Book of Condolences if you'd like to sign it:





Prayer For The Sick

Today we pray for
The sick and suffering
In Burnley today
And I will light a candle
For them every night
And say a little prayer tonight
That our Lord Jesus Christ
Heals all sick and suffering
In Burnley tonight Amen.


David P Carroll




 The recording of the Requiem Mass for Father Frank Jennings from St John the Baptist, Padiham on 9/8/22 is now uploaded to YouTube:


 We've also added a link to the previous day's Reception Mass:


We couldn't get our camera's audio system to work with St John's audio system so the sound's not as good as we would have liked but apart from the congregation sounding like they're singing hymns under water at least it's audible! In addition, the first 16 minutes or so of the Reception Mass is silent but the rest is OK.

Fr Jennings was clearly a much-loved priest and we hope you can take some comfort from both recordings.


New Neighbours Together, the charity supporting asylum seekers based at St John's Church, was presented with The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Mrs Christine Kirk DL, at a ceremony at County Hall, Preston.
New Neighbours Together




(please read carefully)


Returning to Mass at Pentecost

Spring Plenary 2022 Resolution

An invitation from the Bishops of England and Wales

This is the bread come down from heaven (John 6:58)

A beautiful hallmark of the Catholic faith is the profound desire to participate in the Holy Mass and share in the Eucharist. We do so with deep gratitude and joy. The Eucharist gives the Church her identity – “The Eucharist makes the Church, and the Church makes the Eucharist.” It enables us to worship Almighty God, to support each other on our journey of faith, and to be a visible sign of faith in the world. This hallmark is supported and strengthened by the precept that our fundamental Christian duty is to worship God by participating in the celebration of Mass. Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is the greatest of all privileges, sometimes referred to as “the Sunday Obligation.”

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, until the present time, we have shared with you our judgment that the situation of the last two years has meant that the Sunday Obligation has been impeded and has needed to be fulfilled in other ways. We thank God that this situation has now changed. The pressing challenges of the pandemic have lessened significantly. Most people have resumed the wide range of normal activities, no longer restricted by the previous Covid measures. We therefore believe that the reasons which have prevented Catholics from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation no longer apply.

We understand there will still be some members of our congregations who, for reasons of health, do not feel safe enough to return to Mass. It has always been the understanding of the Church that when the freedom of any Catholic to attend Mass in person is impeded for a serious reason, because of situations such as ill health, care for the sick or legitimate fear, this is not a breach of the Sunday Obligation.

Our Catholic people and parishes have benefitted during these difficult times from the online streaming of Mass and other services. “Virtual viewing” of Mass online does not fulfil the Sunday Obligation. It may, however, be a source of continual spiritual comfort to those who cannot attend Mass in person, for example those who are elderly and sick, for whom the obligation does not apply. In this context, we recognise gratefully the ministry of those who administer Holy Communion to the elderly, sick and housebound.

We are grateful to our clergy, religious and lay faithful who have served our parishes, schools and communities with dedication and distinction throughout this pandemic. Now we look forward with renewed faith and confidence.

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord Jesus entrusted to us the precious gift of Himself. With humility, we glory in being a Eucharistic people for whom attendance at Mass is essential. Looking forward to the forthcoming feast of Pentecost, we now invite all Catholics who have not yet done so to return to attending Mass in person.

As the Church needs the witness of the presence of each person, so too each believer needs to journey in faith and worship with their fellow disciples. Nourished by our encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus, fed with His Word and His Body and Blood in Holy Communion, and supported by the presence of each other, we receive strength week by week, to serve the Lord and glorify Him with our lives.

Approved by the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference
Friday 6 May 2022






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Burnley Catenians - 50 Years Membership Presentation

Burnley Catenian Circle Past President, Aidan Stockton, was enrolled as a member of the Association in August 1970. However, because of the COVID pandemic, it was not possible to present his 50 years membership scroll in the usual manner in August 2020.

Face-to-face Circle meetings only resumed in late 2021 and arrangements were made to present the scroll to Aidan, a former teacher at St. Theodore's School, at the September meeting. Brother Eddie O’Donnell, Immediate Past GB National President, was invited to make the presentation as he would have done in his year of office.

Unfortunately, Aidan was unwell and unable to attend the meeting and, sadly, he died in October 2021 without ever receiving his scroll.
To ensure that Aidan's valued membership and service was marked in the correct way, invitations were made to his daughter Gill and granddaughter Aimee to receive the scroll and miniature on behalf of the family at the February Circle meeting held at Burnley Football Club.



Aidan's daughter Gill and granddaughter Aimee

receiving the scroll from Province 10 Director Mark Conroy


Following the presentation, which was made by Mark Conroy, Director of Province 10 and a member of Burnley Circle, Mark asked everyone to stand as he proposed a toast to Aidan and absent friends.

On receiving the 50-year Scroll, Gill said she would take it to her mother, Sheila, where it would take pride of place in her room.




Burnley Catenians have started their social activities again after a hiatus of two years.

In recent weeks, the Circle has:

  • Reintroduced the monthly meetings and meals at Burnley FC;
  • Beaten Accrington Circle to each the semi-final the Regional Snooker competition (played at KSC 110 Club);
  • Attended a Provincial weekend in York;
  • Held an end of Circle year meal at the New Waggoners where retiring President Jim Livesey was presented with a print of a mini rally car (Jim is a motor sports enthusiast);
  • Planned a Curry Night in May at the Usha (all welcome);
  • Organised a theatre trip and meal at the Mechanics in July.

Escrick Mar 22bend year mar 22 end year present Mar 22  Curry Night May 22  Musicals July 22



Note 22/1/21


Unfortunately this page was somehow corrupted and the end was chopped off. Until we get the time to repair it, a snapshot dated 30/10/20 (the latest) may be found on the Wayback Machine:





If we have used any of your artwork and it is not noted on the latest Wayback Machine version, please drop us a line (see Contact/Find Us Page) and we will gladly attribute your work to you.


More recent artwork (used with thanks):


Peggy Dyar (Lentent cross and candles), OpenClipart-Vectors (Baptismal font, Newsboy), aalmeidah (First Holy Communion),

Mohamed Hassan (bike rider), Clker-Free-Vector-Images (up arrow icon, hooray), PublicDomainPictures (Poppy Crosses),

v-a-n-3-ss-a (Poppy), Jeff Jacobs (nativity baubles), Rachealmarie ("Merry Christmas"), emoticons by Pixaline,

Christmas Tree & bus by Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Turkey Dinner by Nina Garman, Happy New Year by Vicki Hamilton

Pearls by Peace,love,happiness, 30 Years logo by Alexey Hulsov, Fireworks 1 by Nora, Fireworks 2 by OpenClipart-Vectors

all at Pixabay.com

Artwork on article "The Biggest Battle on Abortion in a Generation" from Right To Life UK

Holy Week graphic dated 2/4/23 - source unknown but if the arwork is yours let us know and we woulld be very pleased to publish an attribution


Looking for something but can't find it here?

It may have been archived:

Check out the Main Page Archive - click here













We're looking for a couple more people to help out with live streaming Mass every other Sunday.

It's interesting, it's easy, good on the job training given, bags of support!

Contact Mike Morris on 07929 451 566


email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.