Welcome to
Christ the King Church
(Incorporating the Church of St Teresa)
Address: Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, 9 Healey Ct, Burnley, BB11 2QJ
Phone via St Mary's Presbytery: 01282 422 007
Safeguarding Representative: Gabrielle Heseldon,
Phone: 07745 600 662 (only for Safeguarding issues)
(If for some reason you're unable to get through,
in an emergency contact police or Social Services)
On this Page:
Mass Times | Other Notices | Knights of St Columba | Christmas Mass
Reasons to Be Cheerful | Live Streaming of Masses
Prayers and Messages | Mass Intentions | Foodbank | CAFOD Updates |
Other Pages in this section:
Introduction | Mass & Confession Times | Find Christ the King Church | Sister Churches - Links
Community Gathering Dates | Notices | Church Groups | Christ the King Photos | St Teresa's
Photos | Christ the King History
Our Local Primary School (opens in a separate window)
Christ the King RC Primary School
Please note the changes this week.
Monday St Sebastian
9.30am St. Mary’s
Tuesday St Agnes
9.30am St John’s NB: One Mass only today
Wednesday St Vincent
9.30am Christ the King NB: One Mass only today
Thursday Weekday
9.30am St Mary’s NB: One Mass only today
Friday St Francis de Sales
9.15am Mass at St John’s School
12.00 noon St. Mary’s preceded by Exposition and Reconciliation 11.30 to 11.55am
Saturday Conversion of St Paul
9.30am St Mary’s, followed by Reconciliation with Exposition: 10.30 to 11.30am
Vigil Masses:
6.00pm St John’s preceded at 5.15pm until 5.55pm with Reconciliation and Exposition
6.30pm St Mary’s
Sunday Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christ the King: 9.15am and 5.00pm
St Mary’s: 10.00am (This Mass will be live-streamed on the parish website*).
St John’s: 10.45am
(*A recording of the Mass will be available later from Sunday afternoon)
The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. St Teresa of Kolkata |
The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer”—Pope Paul VI
PARISH MASS OF THANKSGIVING We are very grateful to all who have a role or a ministry in the parish for whose generosity we gave thanks to the Lord at the Parish Mass on Thanksgiving at St Mary’s on Saturday 18th January. |
CARITAS SUNDAY—NEXT WEEKEND 25/26TH JANUARY Next weekend, 25/26th January, celebrates the work of Caritas Salford, the principal domestic charity in our diocese. Last year the parish of the Good Samaritan raised the wonderful total of £1010.44 to help support those experiencing poverty, homelessness, and disadvantage. Copies of the newsletter ' Love in Action', outlining just some of the difference your generous contributions helped make possible in the past year, will be available at the back of our three churches. To support the Caritas Sunday Appeal again this year, there will be a retiring collection after all the masses next weekend. Please visit the website: caritassalford.org.uk/YourSupportMatters for more information, and where you can make further contributions, either as a one-off donation, or to set up a direction debit. Thank you for all your support. |
OLD MOBILE PHONES WANTED—FINAL CALL Father Emmanuel, who was a priest at St John’s a few years ago, is asking for mobile phones (even if not in working condition) for a charity in Nigeria. There will be a box in three churches where they can be left. The collection will end on Sunday 26th—next Sunday! |
If you, or someone you know cannot get to Mass but would like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please ask their permission, then talk with Fr David to arrange things.
Huge thanks to our stewards who make attendance at church possible as we continue to work at remaining safe whilst in church. Please call Fr David if you would like to join this invaluable team.
Tea and toast will be served in the parish rooms after 9.30am Mass on Mondays.
This will be organised by the Legion of Mary who will commence their weekly meeting at 10.30am in the Newman Room. All are welcome.
Thanks to all who have supported the bonus Ball game and it will continue each week.
The winning Bonus ball number for Wednesday 15th January was number 20
Congratulations to last week’s winners who are as follows:
St John’s ~ Charlie St Mary’s ~ Theresa Christ the King ~ Patricia
Please claim your prize from the appropriate sacristy.
MISSIO BOXES COLLECTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS CHRIST THE KING: For the Christ the King Community April is the month for the collection of the Missio Red Boxes. Please bring your boxes to Church or call Stephen and Francesca on 07593 854661 or 07874 882132 to arrange collection. Thank you |
The Catenian Association offers financial support to young Catholics (aged 16—24) who are involved in development projects which help less fortunate people, (including Diocesan and HCPT Pilgrimages). For more information go to catenianbursary.com
Take a look at the two very interesting volumes of information regarding all those named on the war memorial at Saint John’s. They can be found in the memorial corner.
They have been compiled by one of our parishioners Linda. Her extensive work has involved studying a number of Internet sites, such as ancestry.com, the Commonwealth War Graves, British newspaper collection at findmypast and many more.
We thank Linda for her, thoroughly detailed research.
You can make your contributions to the parish online by Standing Order; Please contact your bank and inform them that payment should now be made as follows:
Name: The Salford Diocesan Trust : The Good Samaritan Parish
Sort Code: 205558
Account number: 50404640.
Many thanks.
Our next quiz in St Mary’s parish Rooms will be on Monday 20th January at 8 pm. Entrance fee of £2 which includes free tee/coffee and biscuits. All are welcome
“I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder!!”
Here’s one of the Quotes sent from a parishioner on the website.
There are many more—and Quips! Have a laugh! Enjoy the wisdom!
Send us one of your own favourites!
We’re all deeply into our new way of life and most of us we need to look for the silver linings.
Till things go back to normal, let’s try to cheer each other up. Parishioner Tony Waters, who many of you may know from St Mary’s, has contacted us with a brilliant idea.
In the current climate, why not have a series of items on reasons to be cheerful?
We reckon that anything that lightens up some of the doom & gloom has got to be good!
We’ll publish them on the website, and in the Newsletter when space allows.
Email us with your suggestions to
Here’s one of our latest - on being allowed to ‘play out’ (for exercise)
"Everything in the site pulls you into the parish community.
It's like an invitation to belong to something special”
These are the wonderful words sent to our web manager this week from an admirer from the Parish Council of Magheralin Parish in Northern Ireland. She says she's had a good look at our website and was impressed - commenting especially on the dedication it takes to keep it up to date! She adds:
“Sincerely, well done with that design and to all contributors."
She ends by saying she will ask the other members of their Council to take a look...
she wants to steal some of our ideas! Well done to the web team for their dedication, creativity and hard work. Well deserved praise. SHARE THE NEWS! There are many people still self- isolating so make a call!
Read our wonderful newsy and topical parish website, and ring someone with the news and a chat to help with their isolation. Good fun too!
Streamed Sunday Mass: Please note that Fr David and Fr Damien will celebrate Mass on Sundays at St Mary’s and it will continue to be live-streamed.
This Mass will be recorded and available to view later on Sunday morning, or early afternoon.
Thank You: We have built excellent teams of stewards over the weeks and they do a really splendid job. Our thanks to them—without your help, none of this would be viable!
The National Shrine in Walsingham; www.walsingham.org.uk
The Good Shepherd parish in Colne; www.goodshepherdpendle.org.uk
You can also find the Readings for Mass each day on www.universalis.com
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention
For the Right to an Education For the right to an education. Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me bring love. Where there is offence, let me bring pardon, Where there is discord let me bring union. Where there is error let me bring truth, Where is doubt, let me bring hope. Where there is darkness let me bring your light. Where there is sadness, let me bring joy
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer Intentions in Ordinary Time
A deeper understanding between Christians and Jews
● Those who suffer persecution oppression and denial of human rights
● Europe
● Seafarers
Message from Pope Francis about Reconciliation: These words from the Holy Father should help us while some of us cannot go to the Sacrament:
“Do what the catechism says. It’s very clear. If you don’t find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He’s your Father. Tell Him the truth: ‘Lord. I did this and this and this. Pardon me.’ Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, ‘afterwards I will go to confession.’ “You will return to God’s grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the Catechism teaches us to God’s forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.
"Every political social or religious project involves the inclusion or exclusion of the wounded, lying on the side of the road. Each day each of us faces the choice of being a good Samaritan or an indifferent bystander"
- Pope Francis, 2003
At the end of our life we will be judged on love, that is, on our concrete commitment to love and serve Jesus in our littlest and neediest brothers and sisters. That mendicant, that needy person who reaches out his hand is Jesus; that sick person whom I must visit is Jesus; that inmate is Jesus, that hungry person is Jesus.
Send Your Holy Spirit:
Heavenly Father, You have created each of us to love You and your people.
You have chosen some to serve by responding to the particular call to the priesthood and religious life. Send your Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those You have designed to follow this path of spiritual leadership.
We pray this petition, faithful and most gracious God, in the name of your Son,Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
-Pope John Paul II
“An obedient father: As he had done with Mary, God revealed his saving plan to Joseph. He did so by using dreams, which in the Bible and among all ancient peoples, were considered a way for him to make his will known.”
Lately Dead: Gerard Hardy, Agnes Dooley, , Marko Egan, Michael Lord, Mark Manley, Shaun Patrick O’Brien, Keith Kershaw, Joseph Zephir, Mavis Robinson, Betty Swift. George Paily, Pat Pretrolina
Special Intentions: Helen Conway.
Anniversaries: Mary Alice Pickles, Thomas Smith, James Burns, Cyril Chadwick, Martin Frazer, Sarah Langton, Dennis O’Hara, Mary Alice Pickles, Chris Ternent, Joseph Hoyle, Alice Glew, John Kavanagh, Peter Aspden.
Birthday Memoriam: Mary Greenall, Maria Cristina Gonzales Summers, William Kelly
This is a grocery targeted for those people who are having difficulties in the cost of living crisis. You pay a registration fee of £5 for the year, and can then shop weekly (or more often if need be) for £4 per visit — the usual ‘shop’ is equal to about £20/ £30 in any other supermarket. The two shops are 1) in the shopping centre square above New Look, and 2) Valley St near the cemetery. They’re open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm. Just drop in, see and buy!
The people of the parish have given donations and goods, through and in addition to the excellent work of Blessed Trinity College, who have raised over £14,000 since they started.
You are asked to continue to put food into the collection point in many supermarkets, as well as using the Blessed Trinity site for financial donations at https://tinyurl.com/BlessedTrinityJustGiving.
Campaigns Update – Pope Francis has announced he will be attending the global UN climate conference COP28 in Dubai this month. He’s called for political leaders at the COP28 talks to prevent the climate crisis from causing even greater tragedies for communities that have contributed least to causing it. We can support his message by asking our MP to act on the Pope’s call. To take part just follow the link: https://action.cafod.org.uk/page/137965/action/1
CAFOD’s World Gifts – Christmas is fast approaching, but don’t worry CAFOD have the best unusual presents for your friends and family that can make a real difference to people living in poverty. World Gifts are CAFOD range of gifts that help those families in most need across the world. For each gift you buy this Christmas, you will receive a beautiful gift card to pass on to your loved one. For the latest selection visit the CAFOD website or pick up a brochure at the back of our three parish churches: https://worldgifts.cafod.org.uk/
9 Healey Ct, Burnley BB11 2QJ
NB please contact via St Mary's Presbytery: 01282 422 007
Parish Groups
Click here to go to our Groups Page.
Our local school is Christ the King RC Primary School.
Click here to visit their website (opens up in a separate page).
Christ the King & St Teresa's: Photos Old and New
A miscellany of photos, past and present, from the earliest days to the present (almost!)
- click here for Christ the King photos
- or click here for St Teresa photos
Links to other churches in the parish:
All pitcture from Pixabay, with grateful thanks.