The Parish of the Good
CAFOD News – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 23rd February 2025
Lent Family Fast Day - Family Fast Day this Lent is on Friday 14th March. The CAFOD group volunteers will give a talk and make an appeal over the weekend of 8th and 9th March. We are asked on Family Fast Day to eat simply in solidarity with our sisters and brothers, to pray for those in need and for the work of CAFOD and to give what we can. Please join with the CAFOD community this Family Fast Day in coming to the aid of those in most need such as Lokho (pictured below) and her community from Kenya, who will feature in the appeal talks.
Press Release from CAFOD on UN Appeal for Funds for Sudan - CAFOD and Caritas Internationalis have welcomed this week's launch of UNOCHA and UNHCR funding appeal for Sudan and calls for more international support. The UN appeal comes at a critical time. Over forty percent of global funding for life-saving programmes in Sudan came from the US government until now. Given the chaos caused by the US administration’s decisions to shut-down USAID, there is an urgent need for other governments to step in.
To read the full press release from CAFOD just use the following link:
CAFOD News – The Presentation of the Lord – 2nd February 2025
Jubilee Debt Justice Campaign - In this Jubilee Year CAFOD is calling for debt justice alongside the whole Caritas Internationalis family. The world is currently facing the most acute debt crisis in history. Fifty-four countries – from Kenya to Sri Lanka – are facing debt distress. As Pope Francis says, “With the strength of the Spirit, we need to offer an answer here and now to the cries of the world. To hear them we must go out and be a ‘Church-on–the-move’ that reaches out like the Good Samaritan.” Let's answer Pope Francis' call by taking part in CAFOD's campaign action. Please sign its online petition:
If you can please ask others to sign the petition by sharing the above link with them.
Campaigners stand outside the Treasury calling for debt cancellation - Monday 27th January
In a new report, 'Jubilee 2025: The new global debt crisis and its solutions', Catholic development agencies CAFOD, SCIAF and Caritas have outlined the causes of cyclical global debt crises and the inadequacies in current global debt structures, setting out six policies to build a fair and functional debt system. To find out more about the ongoing debt crisis and to access the new report just use the following link:
Ongoing Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has impacted the lives of many civilians and has internally displaced millions of families over many years. But on 26 January, as you may have recently seen in the news, the conflict escalated when rebel groups entered the major city of Goma, home to around 2 million people.
Families had fled into the city from surrounding areas ahead of the advancing troops. Now they are trapped in the city, where electricity and water have been cut off and food supplies run low. For a greater depth of information on the conflict in the DRC just use the following link:
Please remember the people of the DRC in your prayers in the coming days and weeks. You can use the following prayer from CAFOD:
Latest News on the Conflcit in Sudan - The crisis in Sudan continues to devastate civilian lives, as children, mothers and families are affected by conflict. Yet, despite the extreme challenges, there is still hope. Hear from our representative in Sudan, Ibrahim, about his first-hand experiences and the realities civilians are facing every day:
Please remember the people of Sudan in your prayers. If you wish, you can use the following prayer from CAFOD:
Many thanks - As ever, the parish CAFOD group want to thank you for all your donations, prayers and campaigning which helps CAFOD to support and speak up for our sisters and brothers in need around the world. A better world really does need all of us working together.
CAFOD News – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary
Time - 19th January 2025
Happy New Year and a Big Thank You - The CAFOD group would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank parishioners for their generosity in 2024. A terrific total of £3,659 was donated through our three churches. The group is aware that many parishioners donate directly to CAFOD’s appeals. CAFOD recently advised us that in the 12 months to the end of November 2024, individuals living in the parish boundaries donated an amazing £10,594! The generosity of local people is remarkable and humbling. All these donations make a real difference to the lives of our sisters and brothers in need around the world. Thank you so much again and God bless you.
Jubilee Year 2025 - As you are probably already aware, Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church. The Jubilee Year commenced on Christmas Eve, 24th December 2024, when Pope Francis opened the first Holy Door at St Peter's Basilica in Rome. This holy year will run until the Feast of the Epiphany, 6th January 2025.
To read everything you need to know about the Jubilee Year including what a Jubilee Year is, the theme of this year's Jubilee and the biblical background behind it, just follow the link below:
CAFOD have produced some great resources for use during the Jubilee Year, these include a reflection guide and prayers. These can be found using the following link:
Online Event "Introduction to the Jubilee Year" - This Saturday, 18th January from 10.30am - 12 noon, (apologies for the late notice) CAFOD are hosting an online introduction to the Jubilee Year. It's not too late to register for this exciting event, which is a great way to kickstart your Jubilee Year. Use the link below to register:
Latest CAFOD News - To catch up with all the very latest CAFOD news, including items on the Jubilee Year, just visit the CAFOD website:
Many thanks - As ever, the parish CAFOD group want to thank you for all your donations, prayers and campaigning which helps CAFOD to support and speak up for our sisters and brothers in need around the world. We hope you have a good January and wish you all the very best for the rest of this special Jubilee Year.
CAFOD News – 1st Sunday of Advent
1st December 2024
Harvest Family Fast Day - The CAFOD group would like to thank parishioners for their very generous donations at the Fast Day back in October. A wonderful £1,129 was sent to CAFOD. Some of the donations were gift aided which added to the total. CAFOD will use these donations to help people living in poverty to provide for their families. Daniel from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who was mentioned in the Fast Day talks, is just one example of the work CAFOD does with its partners to help those in most need lift themselves out of poverty. In this short film Daniel talks about how he worked hard to master carpentry at a CAFOD-funded training programme, so he could support his family:
CAFOD's Advent Appeal - The focus for this year's Advent appeal is the continuing conflict in Ukraine. Maria is a mother of four from Ukraine. Due to the violence of Russia’s invasion, her family was forced to flee from Berdyansk Raion in the south-east of Ukraine to the other side of the country.
Maria and her family
This Advent, you can help mums like Maria keep their family safe and warm. To read how the gift of donated firewood made a huge difference to Maria's family follow the link below:
CAFOD's World Gifts - CAFOD's new World Gifts catalogues are available to collect at the back of our three churches. Each World Gift is a real example of CAFOD’s work and you can find your perfect, waste-free Christmas gifts inside. You can also shop for World Gifts via the website:
Spread joy with World Gifts
If you are able, please consider a World Gift this Christmas. There are gifts for education, farming, health, water and emergencies and they make wonderful presents at Christmas and on other special occasions.
UN Climate Conference talks end with weak finance deal - The COP29 talks in Azerbaijan recently ended with a weak deal to provide low-income countries with money to tackle the climate crisis. Governments at the summit agreed that developing countries hardest hit by the crisis will receive $300 billion a year by 2035. The money, known as ‘international climate finance’, is intended to support low-income countries to prepare for climate disasters and rebuild after emergencies.
Cardinal Parolin spoke at COP29 on behalf of Pope Francis
Pope Francis had urged world leaders not to allow new financial support for countries affected by the climate crisis to worsen the debt crisis low-income countries aldready face. The call from the Pope was relayed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin at the COP29 climate talks in Azerbaijan. Sady, however, governments failed to guarantee this money would be provided as grants, rather than loans. This risks worsening the debt crisis that many countries on the frontline of the climate emergency are facing. To read more on the outcome of the COP29 climate talks just click on the following link:
Jubilee Year 2025 - Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church.
CAFOD are providing resources and are hosting an online introduction to the Jubilee Year on January 18th to help us become Pilgrims of Hope for all. There are resources available for parishes, schools and individuals. To register for the online introduction in January or find out what resources are available just use the link below:
Prayers for Advent and Christmas - CAFOD have a number of prayers available for individual or group use during Advent and the Christmas seasons. There is an Advent calendar which provides daily reflections and prayers and other prayer resources for personal, family, group or parish use. Just use the links below to access these prayer resources:
Many thanks and Happy Christmas - The parish CAFOD group want to sincerely thank you for all your generous donations, prayers and campaigning thoughout this year which have helped CAFOD to support and speak up for our sisters and brothers in need around the world. We hope you have prayerful and hope filled Advent followed by a joyful and happy Christmas.
CAFOD News – 15th Sunday in Ordinary
Time – 14th July 2024
Update and thanks for our Lent Family Fast Day donations – Thanks to your support for the Family Fast Day at Lent CAFOD has been able to support communities in Liberia and Bangladesh build resilient and thriving food and fishing schemes. These communities are sharing their knowledge and expertise with their own neighbours and is a beautiful example of how a better world needs all of us to play our part.
Fishermen in Liberia who've recieved safety training from CAFOD's partner Caritas Liberia
To find out more about CAFOD’s life-changing work in Liberia just use this link:
Update on our Sudan Crisis Appeal donation – Our parish donation to CAFOD’s Sudan appeal is helping our partner, Caritas Sudan, to work alongside people right now. They are providing shelter for displaced people, helping people with emergency food and assisting with planting crops during the vital growing season to stop a hunger crisis turning into a famine. This is currently the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis.
Please, please keep the people of Sudan and the incredible work our Catholic partners are doing there in your prayers. The Catholic Church in Sudan is doing all it can to aid a peaceful solution amongst the warring factions. To find out more about CAFOD’s life-saving work in Sudan just use this link:
How the new UK government must act to tackle global poverty -
Thousands of candidates who stood in the general election heard calls to act on poverty thanks to CAFOD supporters across England and Wales which included our own parish when 160 of us signed the open letter last month.
Whether via email, letters, at hustings or during doorstep conversations, politicians looking for our votes in constituencies nationwide were asked to commit to support people in the world's poorest communities.
With hundreds of those candidates now taking their seats in Parliament, it's time for words to be turned into action. Find out below what key steps CAFOD are asking MPs in the new Parliament to take to help build a better world and address the injustices our global family is facing:
Many thanks - The parish CAFOD group want to thank you for all your donations, prayers and campaigning which helps CAFOD to support and speak up for our sisters and brothers in need around the world. We hope you have an enjoyable summer and find some time to relax and soak up the sunshine and warmer weather, when it finally returns.
CAFOD News - 12th Sunday in Ordinary
Time - 23rd June 2024
CAFOD & SVP General Election Open Letter – Last weekend both the parish CAFOD group and St Vincent de Paul Conference invited parishioners to sign an open letter addressed to our local candidates standing in the upcoming General Election. This action was part of CAFOD's and the SVP's joint campaign initiative, "A Year of Encounter".
There was a very good response from the parish and both the CAFOD and SVP groups wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who added their signatures to the letter. Almost 160 parishioners added their name to it. As a parish we have stood together as one and raised our voices for the Common Good. They will be sending the open letter to the local candidates standing in our constituency early next week. Hopefully, the successful candidate will take heed of our concerns as a parish community and help tackle the three key issues raised: the cost of living crisis; migration and asylum and debt cancellation for the poorest countries. The open letter can be seen below:
CAFOD still have a General Election email campaign action on their website, which you can send individually and is easy to do, just follow the link below:
General Election - Questions to ask your candidates on the doorstep
Many of us may be getting a knock on our door from general election candidates in the run-up to polling day. Conversations with candidates on our doorstep are a great way to explain to those looking for our votes why it's crucial that politicians act to tackle global poverty.
That's why CAFOD are sharing a set of questions to put to candidates, asking them to pledge to address poverty if they're elected to serve as our MPs. To see the questions and find out more information just follow the link below:
Latest CAFOD news - For the very latest news on the CAFOD website just follow the link below, which includes updates on the recent devastating floods in Afghanistan, the crisis in the Holy Land, plus an article on the 2025 Jubilee Year:
Prayer Resources - CAFOD have a wide and rich range of prayer resources for individual and group use. To access these just use the following link:
CAFOD News - Pentecost Sunday 2024
Call for a new Debt Justice Law – CAFOD have launched a new campaign action in response to a global debt crisis. This new debt crisis is crippling over 50 lower income countries, like Ghana, Tanzania and Nicaragua. Many governments are spending more money on debt repayments than on health or education. The amount that lower income countries spend on debt payments has increased by 150% since 2011. Despite facing significant poverty burdens, countries are having to make huge repayments on high-interest loans to wealthy banks, institutions and governments, leaving them unable to properly fund essential services.
As record sums of money flow from some of the poorest nations to line the pockets of the world’s biggest banks such as HSBC and BlackRock, we need to take a stand against this injustice. You can take action now by writing to the UK’s political leaders calling for a new Debt Justice Law, just use the link below to add your name to the petition:
For a more in depth analysis of the debt crisis and for frequently asked questions about it, just follow the link below to the CAFOD website:
Jubilee 2025: Pope Francis issues new call for debt cancellation - Pope Francis has said cancelling debts of countries unable to repay them is "a matter of justice". The call comes in a message outlining the Pope's vision for the Catholic Church's Jubilee year in 2025.
The Pope also called in the document – titled 'Spes non confundit', or 'Hope does not disappoint' – for an end to arms sales and renewed action to tackle poverty and hunger. The document, known as a 'Bull of Indiction', has been published ahead of the Jubilee year, which will run from Christmas Eve 2024 until early 2026 and which is themed 'Pilgrims of Hope'.
To read more about the Pope's pleas and hopes for the Jubilee Year, follow the link below:
Parish Donation to Sudan Crisis Appeal – CAFOD launched an emergency appeal for the current crisis in Sudan on 24th April, as the country entered its second year of war. In response to the urgent appeal our parish has donated a very generous £500, and this was sent to CAFOD at the beginning of this month. The parish CAFOD group wish to express our sincere thanks for this donation. CAFOD’s local partners in Sudan are some of the few aid agencies still operating in the country during the devastating conflict. These funds will be quickly put to life-saving use, providing starving and traumatised families with food, water and hygiene kits. The UNHCR estimates that almost 25 million people – around half of Sudan’s population – are in urgent need of help. To find out more how CAFOD is helping, use the following link:
Prayers for peace in the world - Please continue to keep the people of Sudan, the Holy Land (Israel, Palestine and Gaza) and Ukraine in your prayers. The people of these nations and regions have suffered enough and they urgently need to experience the gift of peace once more in their lives. Here are some prayers for peace from CAFOD you can use:
CAFOD News - 4th Sunday of Easter 2024
Campaigns Update – Fix the Food System – Last July CAFOD asked us to support Salina, a small-scale farmer from Bangladesh, and others like her in their struggle against restrictive seed laws pushed by the World Bank. Our parish responded fantastically with over 400 signing “Salina’s Big Letter”. CAFOD are continuing this campaign by asking us to send an 80th Birthday message to the World Bank.
It’s a publicly-funded bank that was created to eradicate poverty. But with 2.4 billion people having no regular access to food, the World Bank is clearly not doing its job. Let’s come together to share with the World Bank one single birthday wish: to bring seeds back into the hands of farmers. Let's stand in solidarity with Salina once more and send a message using the link below, it's easy to do:
Latest News on the Sudan Crisis – As the world marks the one-year anniversary (15 April) of the devastating conflict in Sudan, the plight of its people has reached unprecedented levels of suffering. Since the outbreak of fierce fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in mid-April 2023, the humanitarian emergency has escalated to alarming proportions.
According to the United Nations, over 8 million Sudanese have been compelled to flee their homes in search of safety, both within and outside the country, because of the conflict. This mass displacement has led to a surge in sexual and gender-based violence, along with a sharp increase in family separations. Combined with the 3.8 million internally displaced persons from previous conflicts, Sudan is now grappling with the largest internal displacement crisis globally, with more than 3 million children among those displaced. Read the latest update from CAFOD using this link:
Let us pray for those suffering in the war and for the Lord to grant peace in Sudan. We can use these CAFOD prayers:
Israeli-Palestinian crisis update - Since the escalation of conflict, 1.7 million people in Gaza have been displaced from their homes, and two million are facing catastrophic levels of hunger. There are still around 100 Israeli hostages still being held captive in terrible conditions over 6 months since they were kidnapped. However, CAFOD’s local partners in Gaza are clear that with your support, they can continue to provide practical help to families caught up in the conflict. For the latest news update and ways you can help visit the CAFOD website using the following link:
CAFOD News for Easter 2024
Thank you for your generous donations, given in love, to CAFOD's recent Lent Family Fast Day appeal. Together with other donations received in the last five months, £1,465.32 has been sent to CAFOD from our parish. In addition to this, many parishioners will have sent donations directly to CAFOD in the Fast Day envelopes or by regular standing order. Your donations will support families around the world and help them with the resources to feed their families for good. Families that you have helped include James and Cynthia's from Liberia who were featured in the Lent Fast Day appeal.
James, Cynthia and their son by their fishing boat in Liberia
To see how your donations have transformed their lives and that of other fishermen and their families in Liberia just follow the link below:
The terrible situation in Israel and Palestine continues to drag on and thousands of innocent women and children are suffering and dying in Gaza; whilst over a hundred Israeli hsotages are still held in captivity. To read the latest update from CAFOD on the conflict, click on the link below:
Happy Easter - The CAFOD group want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a joyous and blessed Easter. Thanks so much for your support, be that through your donations, campaigning or prayer. You may wish to use the CAFOD prayer below for your Easter reflection. There is also an Easter message from CAFOD's Director, Christine Allen, you can watch, just click on the link below the prayer to view it.
Easter message from CAFOD's Director - Christine Allen
Family Fast Day is on Friday 23 February. Volunteers from our CAFOD Group will make an appeal at each of the Masses on the weekend of 17/18 February and ask you to take an envelope home, have a simple meal on Fast Day, make a donation and return the envelope the following weekend. This Lent, your donations will help hardworking people like James, a fisherman in Liberia, with resources, tools and training to feed their families for good. Please join with us in praying that our sisters and brothers around the world have what they need to feed their families.
CAFOD SOUP LUNCH There will be a Mass at 11 am on Friday 23 February at St John's which will be followed by a soup lunch to which everyone is very welcome.Please join us and support our work across the parish.
CAFOD News – December 2023
The CAFOD group sends its ongoing thanks for your prayers and generous donations throughout the year for the work of CAFOD. It is only possible for CAFOD to leave "no one beyond reach" because of the funds you donate.
All our good wishes for a joyous and peaceful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
LAST GASP Christmas Presents. Don't forget World Gifts It might save lives and solve your present dilemma!!
CAFOD News – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19th November 2023
Latest Campaigns Update – Pope Francis has announced he will be attending the COP28 UN climate conference in Dubai, which starts later this month. He’s called for political leaders at the conference to prevent the climate crisis from causing even greater tragedies for communities that have contributed least to causing it.
Pope Francis is urging leaders to speed up action to tackle the climate crisis, warning that recent climate disasters show the world may be nearing “breaking point”. The call, made in his recent papal letter, Laudate Deum or ‘Praise God’, has been issued ahead of the COP28 climate talks starting on 30th November, where the Pope warns leaders must commit to “the abandonment of fossil fuels” and urgently switch to clean energy sources.
We can support his message by asking our MP to act on the Pope’s call. To take part just follow the link:
CAFOD’s World Gifts – Christmas is fast approaching, but don’t worry CAFOD have the best unusual presents for your friends and family that can make a real difference to people living in poverty. World Gifts are CAFOD's range of gifts that help those families in most need across the world. For each gift you buy this Christmas, you will receive a beautiful gift card to pass on to your loved one.
Each World Gift is a real example of CAFOD's work. When you choose a gift, you support the area of CAFOD's work that this gift represents. So, for example, when you buy chickens, you support CAFOD's work with poor farmers in rural areas of the countries they work in, by contributing to the Farming Fund.
This gives CAFOD the flexibility to respond in the best way possible to the individual needs of the different communities they work with all over the world. For the latest selection of life-changing gifts visit the CAFOD website, via the link below, or pick up a brochure at the back of our three parish churches:
Latest Update on the Crisis in the Holy Land - The terrible and deeply troubling events in Gaza, Palestine and Israel have continued now for nearly six weeks. CAFOD is now working with its partners on the ground in Gaza and Israel. Thanks to supporters, CAFOD have sent £100,000 to their local partner, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) who are already supporting 10,000 families with cash vouchers. Families are using these to purchase essentials like food and water as well as mattresses and bedding from wholesale suppliers in Gaza.
CAFOD have committed £50,000 to a local partner working in Khan Younis, Gaza, who are sheltering 300 people in their centres and are supporting them with cash assistance, food, water and offering counselling to those dealing with losing their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. They have also released £10,000 to local partner Sadaka Reut, working in southern Israel with local emergency support groups providing psychological support, basic humanitarian assistance and building emotional resilience. CAFOD is continuously calling for an immediate ceasefire and seeks to protect civilians who have been affected by the conflict.
Please continue to keep our partners and the whole region in your prayers. To find out more, just follow the link to the CAFOD website:
CAFOD News – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 22nd October 2023
'Salina’s Big Letter' Update – In July over 400 of our parishioners supported Salina, a small-scale farmer from Bangladesh fighting to maintain free access to her own seeds, by adding their signatures to her letter to the World Bank. Last week, our signatures were among an amazing 70,000 delivered by CAFOD staff and supporters to the UK office of the World Bank in London, where they were received by senior World Bank staff who had agreed to meet and discuss the issue. Meanwhile, CAFOD campaigners were also in Marrakech, Morocco where the World Bank’s Annual Meetings took place, to speak directly to World Bank officials there about what more they can do to support small-scale farmers. Thanks so much for standing in solidarity with small-scale farmers, like Salina, as part of CAFOD’s ‘Fix the Food System’ campaign. Your actions and support can make the world a more just place, little step by little step. For all the details on the hand-in and meetings visit CAFOD’s website:
CAFOD campaign staff and supporters outside the offices of the World Bank in London
Update on the Crisis in the Holy Land – You will have all been shocked and deeply saddened by the images and stories in the media from Israel and Gaza. CAFOD has worked with its partners in the region for years and is currently in close contact with them to assess how best to provide support when circumstances permit. CAFOD has worked for many years in both Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) with partners who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim and secular and we join Pope Francis’ urgent call for peace and an end to the violence:
“The Middle East does not need war but peace, a peace built on justice, dialogue, and the courage of fraternity” (Pope Francis)
Please continue to keep our partners and the whole region in your prayers. To find out more, just follow the link to the CAFOD website:
Laudate Deum, Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation - In this new papal letter Pope Francis has urged world leaders to speed up action to tackle the climate crisis, warning that recent climate disasters show the world may be nearing “breaking point”.
The call, made in Laudate Deum or ‘Praise God’, has been issued ahead of the COP28 climate talks in November, where the Pope warns leaders must commit to “the abandonment of fossil fuels” and urgently switch to clean energy sources. The document, known as an apostolic exhortation, follows eight years after Laudato Si’, in which the Holy Father called for all people to care for our common home. For more details on Laudate Deum and how you can respond to Pope Francis' call for all peoples' to act on climate change, follow the link below:
Ever considered joining the CAFOD group - The parish CAFOD group are still hoping to recruit new members, if you’re interested, please can contact Anne Marie (07544 491425), Dominic (07999 512102) or Paul (07973 343054) for an informal chat. Find out how you can use your talents to help the group make the world a fairer place with CAFOD.
CAFOD News – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 24th September 2023
Urgent Campaign Action – Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced he’s U-turning on policies to tackle the climate crisis. We can’t stand for this. Millions of our sisters and brothers around the world are being hit by the climate crisis – and millions more will face even greater catastrophes unless we take urgent action to cut emissions. In our own country we too are experiencing the effects of the climate emergency with more extreme rainfall events and the associated subsequent flooding.
CAFOD campaigners at a COP27 march last year
Let's show the PM that we want him to play his part in the fight to care for our common home. Please sign the online petition and urge Rishi Sunak not to backtrack on climate action using the following link:
Harvest Family Fast Day - This year Harvest Family Fast Day falls on Friday 6th October. Members of the CAFOD group will be talking at the Sunday Masses next weekend before the Fast Day (30th September/1st October). The country of focus is Pakistan and the talks will highlight how your support has enabled CAFOD to come to the aid of communities affected by the terrible Summer floods of last year.
Meera and the mobile clinic funded by CAFOD
Find out how CAFOD with its partner in Pakistan came to the aid of Meera, a young pregnant mother during the worst of the flooding, by clicking on the link below:
The parish CAFOD group are still hoping to recruit new members, if you’re interested, please have a chat with one of the team at the end of the Masses next weekend. Alternatively, you can contact Anne Marie (07544 491425), Dominic (07999 512102) or Paul (07973 343054) to find out how you can help the group make the world a fairer place with CAFOD.
CAFOD News – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17th September 2023
CAFOD Campaign Action – Illegal Migration Act – Open letter to Rishi Sunak
The Government’s newly passed Illegal Migration Act goes against everything that Pope Francis has called us to be. The Holy Father has implored world leaders to ‘build bridges, not walls’, and show compassion for those fleeing their homes, whether it’s because of war, persecution or poverty. This new Act will cause immeasurable harm to people seeking sanctuary. CAFOD are asking us to sign and share its open letter to the Prime Minister. It’s very simple to do, just follow the link:
Morocco Earthquake & Libya Flooding – CAFOD were deeply saddened to hear of the powerful earthquake in Morocco and the flooding in Libya, both of which have devastated many thousands of lives. CAFOD are in close contact with their sister agencies in the Caritas Internationalis network, who are assessing needs on the ground and establishing how best to support those most affected. CAFOD have made an initial grant of £30,000 to its trusted partner, Caritas Rabat, in Morocco. For more information and to make a donation to the newly launched 'Libya Floods Appeal' click on the link below:
Morocco Earthquake and Libya Flooding
The above photo shows earthquake damage in Morocco
CAFOD News – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 20th August 2023
New CAFOD Campaign Action – Stop Cowboy Lenders - Update: We are aware that Burnley's MP, Antony Higginbotham, has responded to a few of our parishioners who sent the CAFOD email calling on the Government to help alleviate the debt crisis faced by many countries. If you have not done so already, please consider adding your voice to the campaign by sending CAFOD's prewritten email to your MP at:
Thanks and prayers: many thanks for your support over the past few months through your donations, campaigning and prayers. Since 3 April 2023 our Parish has sent £1,787 to CAFOD. Thank you for your continued generosity. Please keep our sisters and brothers in need and the work of CAFOD in your prayers during the coming weeks.
For all the latest CAFOD news, just visit the CAFOD website:
CAFOD News – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 23rd July 2023
New CAFOD Campaign Action – Stop Cowboy Lenders - The past few years have seen debts owed by some of the poorest countries mount up to unsustainable levels. Due to the economic crisis and high interest rates, 54 countries are now facing a debt crisis.
But instead of agreeing to cancel some of the debt, big banks and hedge funds are demanding it all - plus interest. The global economy is turning into the wild west and cowboy lenders are getting away with the world’s biggest stick up. Incredibly, UK law plays a key role in enforcing debt contracts - 90% of the lending to lower income countries is enforced through UK courts. That means we can push for a new law to make cowboy lenders cancel debt.
We can stop them in their tracks, but only if enough of us act. Will you add your voice to the campaign? To find out more and to help CAFOD stop this by contacting your local MP (using a pre-written email) just follow the link below:
Stop Cowboy Lenders with CAFOD
Online CAFOD Talk - CAFOD recently hosted an online conversation with Cardinal Louis Antonio Gokim Tagle entitled, "Mission Unleashed: Embracing the Social Dimension of Evangelisation". Cardinal Tagle is the Pro-Prefect of the Section for the First Evangelization and New Particular Churches of the Dicastery for Evangelization. He was previously the President of Caritas Internationalis and has many years experience in the field of social justice and development.
He participated in the conclave of March 2013, which elected Pope Francis. On 8 December 2019, Pope Francis appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. You can watch a recording of this very insightful and uplifting conversation by clicking on the following link:
In Conversation with Cardinal Tagle
The next online talk is with Archbishop John Wilson on Wednesday, 26 July at 7:00pm - "A Journey of Faith and Solidarity". Archbishop Wilson will share his profound experiences and reflections on faith, solidarity, and the transformative power of connecting with communities in need. Discover how a visit to El Salvador shaped his perspective and inspired him to advocate for justice and compassion. You can register for this and other upcoming CAFOD online talks by clicking on the link below:
Register for upcoming online CAFOD talks
Thanks and prayers - Many thanks for your support over the last few months through your donations, campaigning and prayers. Please keep our sisters and brothers in need and the work of CAFOD in your prayers during the summer. The CAFOD group wish everyone a relaxing and joyful summer break. If you're looking for prayer resources then visit CAFOD's website:
CAFOD News – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 2nd July 2023
CAFOD Campaign Action ‘Salina’s Big Letter’ and Join the Group – At each Mass this weekend (1st and 2nd July) there will be a short talk by some of the CAFOD group members asking parishioners to sign Salina’s letter, which is part of CAFOD’s campaign to ‘Fix the Food System’. You can watch a short film clip about and read more regarding the campaign here:
Our parish CAFOD group is hoping to continue with and expand its work but to do so we will need more people to join the group. The talk will also outline CAFOD’s work and ask parishioners to consider joining the group. To discover more about CAFOD’s history, where they work, CAFOD and Catholicism and what they do, just follow the link:
To discuss the work or to join the group please speak to the CAFOD representative after Mass or contact Anne Marie Coppock (07544 491425), Dominic Aunger (07999 512102) or Paul Carney (07973 343054). They would be delighted to talk with you and discuss how you can use your talents and skills to contribute to the work of CAFOD in the parish.
CAFOD News – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 25th June 2023
CAFOD's Latest Campaign Action ‘Salina’s Big Letter’ – The CAFOD group wish to invite parishioners to add their signature to CAFOD’s latest campaign action. CAFOD's campaign, ‘Fix the Food System’, is urging the World Bank to protect the right of farmers around the world to use their seeds. Seeds are life. They are the very foundation for farmers to produce the food that feeds us all. Salina, a small-scale farmer, from Bangladesh has written a letter urging the World Bank President to stop supporting laws restricting farmers access to seeds. At the end Masses next weekend (1st/2nd July) members of the group will deliver a short talk inviting everyone (children included) to sign Salina’s letter as they leave church. You can watch a short film clip about and read more regarding the campaign here:
Salina from Bangladesh
Prayers for Tomorrow delivered to Downing Street - Hundreds of 'Prayers for Tomorrow' written by Catholics calling for action to tackle the climate crisis have been shared with Number 10 Downing Street.
The prayers, which included pleas for the Holy Spirit to guide world leaders, were inspired by Pope Francis' call for people to reflect on what type of world future generations will inherit unless action is taken to halt the climate emergency.
CAFOD campaigners delivered the Prayers for Tomorrow to the Prime Minister during Great Big Green Week – a UK-wide celebration of action to tackle the climate crisis.
Sr Karen d'Artois joined CAFOD campaigners delivering the prayers to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
The visit to Downing Street also came ahead of world leaders meeting in Paris to discuss how countries on the frontline of the climate crisis can access money to rebuild from disasters and prepare for future climate catastrophes. To read more on the visit to Downing Street, just click on the link below:
CAFOD News – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 18th June 2023
Refugee crisis explained – The refugee crisis is rarely out of the news with the wars in Ukraine, Sudan and other conflicts in Africa. There are more people on the move than ever before. Every minute, 30 people around the world are newly displaced. Half of the world’s refugees are children and thousands take flight without the protection of parents or other family members.
Most people on the move are from poor countries, and most seek safety in nearby developing countries or within their own country’s borders. The communities who welcome them are often struggling to survive themselves. Forced to leave behind jobs, personal belongings and loved ones, vulnerable people fleeing conflict and poverty urgently need shelter, food and water.
World Refugee Day falls during this month, 20th June, to find how CAFOD is responding to the global refugee crisis follow the link below:
Latest CAFOD News – For all the very latest CAFOD news including an update from Ukraine on how CAFOD’s partners are helping those communities affected by the recent breach of the Nova Kakhovka Dam, just click on the link below:
Prayer Action – CAFOD are inviting us to pay for action for our common home. They’re inviting us to write a Prayer for Tomorrow, asking God to guide us in our efforts to care for our common home and leave a better world for future generations.
“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?”
That’s the question Pope Francis is asking us. The Holy Father is challenging us to reflect on the ways we’re treating our common home and consider how what we do today will affect the lives of our sisters and brothers tomorrow.
In the run-up to the Great Big Green Week (10th – 18th of June), a UK-wide celebration of action to tackle the climate crisis, CAFOD are inviting us to answer the Pope’s call by writing a Prayer for Tomorrow – to get involved and write a prayer, just follow the link below:
Campaign Action – CAFOD’s ‘Fix the Food System’ campaign is still running and CAFOD are asking us to continue to stand up for small-scale farmers. These hard-working farmers grow about a third of the planet’s food on just 12% of the land. For generations, small-scale farmers have freely swapped and shared a wide variety of seeds to produce food and maintain biodiversity. More recently, farmers have also developed seeds that ensure crops are resilient to climate change. However, their right to choose what seeds they use is increasingly under threat as new laws are introduced across the world that limit what small farmers can do with their seeds.
The freedom of farmers to choose what seeds they use is under threat as the World Bank supports new laws which push farmers towards using seeds sold by big agribusiness.
This puts control of the world’s seeds into the hands of a few giant corporations. If we want a sustainable food system, then we must stand with small farmers across the world as they fight for control over their seeds.
Join with CAFOD in demanding the World Bank end all policies that restrict farmers’ freedoms to choose which seeds they use to grow food by sending an email to the UK's Executive Director to the World Bank. It’s very easy to send the pre-written email, to do so, just follow the link:
April 4th 2023 - Belated Easter Greeting from the Good Samaritan CAFOD team.
Below is an update from our Diocesan team and also a link to a message of thanks from CAFOD Director Christine Allen.
I recommend her update and thanks to you all. Please see the link below.
I hope you’re well and are starting to get a sense that Spring is actually here. Thank you so much again for any way in which you supported CAFOD this Lent. It is very heartening to see the generosity of parishes as donations continue to arrive, particularly after the support which has already been shown to the Earthquake appeal. It is always nice to hear about parishes who have used the short talk. If a short talk was given in your parish and you haven’t already let me know, it would be great to hear from you.
A message from Christine Allen.
As we have another whole month of Eastertide to come I feel it is still quite appropriate to share with you our Director, Christine Allen’s Easter thank you Message. It arrived a fraction too late for our last bulletin. If you haven’t seen it, please find the video here.
CAFOD in Sudan.
You’ll have heard the news about the present situation in Sudan. For an update, please see our recent webinar with Kayode Akintola, Head of Africa. Eileen, who hosted the webinar, said, 'I was so moved to hear Kayode speak of taking part in a traditional shared breakfast in Sudan, where people of all backgrounds and walks of life ate together in friendship. It seems so unjust that such a friendly society, where many people were campaigning for democracy, is now torn apart by fighting.'
Please ask your parish to sign our Campaign letter.
Recently, CAFOD has sent many of you details of a new activity for you to consider for your parish. The request is for people of all ages to simply show their support by signing a “giant” letter from Salina, a farmer CAFOD knows from Bangladesh, to allow small farmers to use their own local seeds, as they always have.
It would be fantastic if you can agree a weekend with your parish priest, when the parish can be invited to support Salina and millions of farmers like her. It is not a petition, and anyone can sign it – all they need to do is sign their name (no other details needed).
This is such a vital issue. Small farmers grow nearly half of the world’s food. Please see below for details about this really important campaign about seeds,
A special thank you and an invitation.
I would like to show my appreciation to Briege Sivills, who after many years is stepping away from volunteering as our Education Visits Co-ordinator. Briege has done a tremendous job of co-ordinating our small but dedicated team of volunteers. She and her husband Graham are looking forward to spending more time with their family which is soon to expand a little. I am also very grateful to Edwina Salmon who is doing a great job since taking over the role.
We are always looking to increase the size of our team of school volunteers. If you or someone you know could contribute to this valuable work, please contact me. You can be as flexible as you want in terms of when, where and which types of schools you visit. No experience in education is necessary.
Read on for results from our volunteer survey and a parish bulletin notice we’ll be sending out soon.
Finally, if you have news from your parish please let me know so we can share it more widely.
Thank you once again for your support.
Best wishes as ever.
Simon Holleron
Community Participation Coordinator
CAFOD in the Diocese of Salford
077 100 944 54
Thanks for Donations sent to CAFOD since 1st January 2023
Grateful thanks also for the generous donations which the parish has made to CAFOD this year. Since 1 January including the Lent Fast Day we have been able to send a total of £2,463.14p from the 3 churches. Many parishioners donate directly to CAFOD, so our thanks go to those people too. CAFOD will put this to good use in helping our sisters and brothers in need.
Forty Years Thank You!
Sincere thanks to all who came along to celebrated the 40th Anniversary of our involvement with CAFOD at Mass last Saturday; it was a most joyous occasion. Our thanks to Father David who was the chief celebrant and also to Fr Joab who together with Mgr. John Corcoran, who, started the group 40 years ago,, concelebrated Mass, followed by Tea and cake in the parish hall. We received a letter from the Director of CAFOD congratulating all the 3 churches for raising £317,924.15p over all those years. Our group will continue now under the title of “The parish of the Good Samaritan”. Ms Allen, the Director, commented in her letter that we certainly live upto the Parish Name. So Many congratulations, and sincere thanks to all who help make it a most joyous occasion and an opportunity to remember those members & priest who supported our work and have now gone to the Lord.
In future all donations will be received by the Parish office at St Mary’s and forwarded to CAFOD Head Office from there. Please pop any donation in an envelope marked CAFOD and leave in your church collection. Thank you.
40 Years Celebration St John’s Burnley
Saturday 1st April 2023
We would like to invite you to a Celebration of all we have achieved, be that financially, spiritually or through campaigning over the past 40 years.
Celebrating the work of our members, both those still active and those many great folk who are now departed.
If you or a member of your family has been involved in any way, please join us to remember their work. Also all our kind Online donors are most welcome.
Mass at St John’s on Saturday 1st April 2023 at 12noon followed by light refreshments and the sharing of memories.
CAFOD News – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 12th February 2023
CAFOD Syria-Turkey Earthquake Appeal
CAFOD is responding with support of provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. Your support for CAFOD throughout the year allows our Catholic agency to act quickly when disasters strike. For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at:
Campaign Action – CAFOD’s ‘Fix the Food System’ campaign now enters its next stage and CAFOD are asking us to stand up for small-scale farmers. These hardworking farmers grow about a third of the planet’s food on just 12% of the land. For generations, small-scale farmers have freely swapped and shared a wide variety of seeds to produce food and maintain biodiversity. More recently, farmers have also developed seeds that ensure crops are resilient to climate change. However, their right to choose what seeds they use is increasingly under threat as new laws are introduced across the world that limit what small farmers can do with their seeds. Small farmers’ seed rights are under threat. These laws, which are being brought in with the support of global financial institutions such as the World Bank, overwhelmingly favour large agri-businesses. Instead of being able to choose their own seeds, small farmers must purchase commercial seeds – something that is good for big business profits but not so good for the farmers who grow the majority of the world’s food. It’s clear that our current global food system is in crisis, and at the heart of this crisis is a struggle over control of the world’s seeds. Protecting the freedom of farmers to choose seeds is a right we must all stand up for if we are to tackle global hunger while responding to the cry of the earth and the poor. To stand in solidarity with them, learn more and sign a petition visit the following link:
Congratulations St John’s Primary – The parish CAFOD group recently learned that one of our parish primary schools have just been awarded the prestigious CAFOD LiveSimply Award. The group, on behalf on the whole parish, want to congratulate the pupils and staff of St John’s for their fantastic achievement. St John’s school community showed to the LiveSimply assessors that they are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.
We think they all deserve a huge round of applause! Well Done!!
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 15th January 2023
Happy New Year – The Good Samaritan CAFOD group wants to wish everyone a happy New Year and pray it brings you health and happiness. New Year, new resolutions? Have you ever thought of becoming a CAFOD volunteer or joining the parish CAFOD group? If you have, please have a chat with one of our existing members, Anne Marie Coppock, Paul Carney or Dominic Aunger around the parish or email/call Dominic:
Date for Your Diary – This year CAFOD’s Lent Family Fast Day falls on Friday 3rd March. The parish CAFOD group are hoping to hold some events around the Fast Day, so keep an eye on the parish newsletter, as more details will follow. If you cannot wait until then, just visit the CAFOD website to find out about the country of focus for Lent and discover how CAFOD’s partners are helping communities cope with the damaging effects of the climate crisis:
Rupali and her daughter Dristy from Bangladesh, CAFOD’s focus for Lent
CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk – During Lent, or later in the year if you prefer, CAFOD is encouraging individuals, families, friends, parishes and schools to get involved in, “The Big Lent Walk” or “The Big CAFOD Walk”. Therefore, why not challenge yourself and take on The Big Lent Walk! Walk when and where you choose over 40 days, alone or with friends. Help raise money to help people as they overcome poverty. You do not have to walk 200km during Lent, i.e. 5km every day for 40 days, choose a goal that suits you. For more details just visit:
The Latest CAFOD News – To find out all the very latest news from CAFOD just visit their news page. Some of the latest news reflects on the recently deceased Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s teachings on social justice:
Another news item looks at Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace, New Year message:
Many thanks for your continued support; it is only through your prayers, campaigning and donations that CAFOD can help those in most need around the world
CAFOD News for Christmas – 25th December 2022
World Gifts – At Christmas, let us share the promise of hope that has been made to us with our sisters and brothers around the world. You can still buy CAFOD’s World Gifts for family and friends this Christmas online at or pick up a catalogue in church. World Gifts such as “super soup kitchens”, “trees for life”, or “water for a family” will help transform lives in a world filled with challenges.
CAFOD Online Talk – CAFOD Director, Christine Allen, recently welcomed CAFOD volunteers and supporters to a review of the year. She shared how you, the Catholic community in England and Wales, have helped those facing the current global challenges. Rhea Tariq, CAFOD Director of International Programmes and Jenny Hayward-Jones, Parish Fundraising Team Coordinator, joined Christine. To watch a recording of this uplifting talk visit:
CAFOD Group Online Meeting – Please join us online for our next online CAFOD group meeting, you will be most welcome. During the online meeting, which usually lasts about an hour, you will get an idea of the work the group does, get all the latest CAFOD parish news and have an opportunity to meet the members. If you are interested in joining us then we usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm. Please contact Dominic by email –
Thanks and Happy Christmas – Many thanks for your generosity throughout the year, your support of CAFOD’s campaigning and the prayers you have offered up for those living in poverty. Your fantastic generosity, action and prayer enabled CAFOD to support those who go hungry, those who face the ravages of climate change and those suffering the effects of the pandemic, to name but just a few of the current crises you helped others overcome.
Our CAFOD group sincerely wish everyone in the parish a happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
CAFOD News for the Solemnity of Christ the King – 20th November 2022
World Gifts – It’s that time of year again with Christmas fast approaching. Don’t worry though as CAFOD have just the best unusual presents for your friends and family that can make a real difference to people living in poverty. World Gifts are CAFOD's range of gifts that help those families in most need across the world. For each gift you buy this Christmas, you will receive a beautiful gift card to pass on to your loved one.
There are new World Gifts in this year’s selection that make ideal Christmas presents. In addition, there are new sets of Christmas cards, an Advent calendar and a new, free gift that you will love. To see the latest selection visit the CAFOD website or pick up a brochure at the back of church:
November Remembrance – During this month the CAFOD group wish to remember with gratitude and prayer all our deceased former members and supporters. It is only through their work and generosity that CAFOD has been able to support those in most need around the world. To pray with CAFOD and remember our deceased loved ones just follow the link:
CAFOD Group Online Meeting – Please join us online for our next online CAFOD group meeting, you will be most welcome. During the online meeting, which usually lasts about an hour, you will get an idea of the work the group does, get all the latest CAFOD parish news and have an opportunity to meet the members. If you are interested in joining us then we usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm. Please contact Dominic by email –
Our warmest greetings to you all for the coming Advent Season and wishing you all the blessing of the Christmas Season. Our sincere thanks to you all for your generous support throughout the many crises in your world this past year. Please keep the work of CAFOD in your prayers. We look forward to working together with you all again in the coming new year..
Pentecost Sunday – 5th June 2022
Lenten Fundraising – The Good Samaritan CAFOD group have now totted up the entire parish CAFOD fundraising for the Lenten period and the final total is an amazing £4,049.34! Thank you so much for your amazing generosity throughout Lent, which has been displayed through your donations, walking, volunteering at events and prayers. This total does not include money donated directly to CAFOD online, so many thanks to those who have used this route.
The money raised has been split equally between the Fast Day Appeal, tackling hunger in Africa and around the world and the Ukraine Emergency Appeal, aiding refugees and those in dire need in Ukraine itself. Needs remain great in Ukraine, Afghanistan and in the Horn of Africa region (Northern Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia), where a rapidly worsening food crisis is developing, so if you are able, please leave your donations in the baskets at the back of our churches in any plain envelope marked CAFOD. Alternatively, donations can be made online: (Using this link you can choose to which appeal you donate.)
Families in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan are facing extreme food shortages and hunger. The conflict in Ukraine is causing rising prices and food shortages. Moreover, right now, in the Horn of Africa, these rising prices are making things worse for millions of people who were already facing drought and famine conditions.
Brkti Haftu, from Ethiopia, had to flee her home and business with her two young children, and is now living in a temporary camp.
CAFOD have already committed £500,000 of its supporters generous donations to this food crisis and their local experts are getting emergency food and clean water to hundreds of thousands of people. However, the crisis is deepening week by week and CAFOD hopes to support even more people in this region of Africa that is experiencing conflict, climate change and now the problem of rapidly rising global food prices. To read more about the situation:
CAFOD’s 60th Anniversary – This year marks 60 years since the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales established CAFOD as the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. CAFOD was born when a brave, compassionate team led by Jacquie Stuyt, and including Evelyn White, Nora Warmington and Elspeth Orchard, came together
with others from the National Board of Catholic Women, the Catholic Women's League and the Union of Catholic Mothers to organise the first Family Fast Day in 1960.
The Catholic women who organised the first Family Fast Day in 1960 with Sister Alicia who ran the mother-and-baby clinic in Dominica.
This first fast day and the one following proved so successful that the bishops set up CAFOD on the back of their success. CAFOD is holding events online and in-person to celebrate its anniversary. The principal one is a 60th Anniversary Mass at St George’s Cathedral in Southwark, London, you can tune in online by registering here:
CAFOD Campaigns – CAFOD has one major campaign during the summer:
‘Fix the Food System’ - The global food system is broken. It does not work for those who work the hardest – small farmers – and it is a major driver of the climate emergency. Millions going hungry, while large agri-businesses make huge profits.
Join CAFOD's new food campaign
Email the Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, using a pre-written email, asking the UK government to implement its COP26 commitments and support agricultural systems that tackle the climate crisis and put local communities first. To get involved follow the link:
Third Sunday of Easter – 1st May 2022
Happy Easter – The CAFOD group want to wish everyone a Happy Easter and blessed Eastertide. We hope you all were able to celebrate the Risen Lord with your families and enjoy the spring sunshine.
Lent Appeals – Thanks so much for your very generous support of CAFOD during Lent. The single CAFOD Soup Kitchen raised a terrific £204 and the parish ‘Walk Against Hunger’ at Towneley resulted in a brilliant £245 being raised. Many thanks to all those who took part, attended or contributed in any way. The final grand total for our parish Fast Day collections and Lenten fundraising will follow soon. The money raised has been split between the Fast Day Appeal fighting global hunger and the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Needs remain great in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen and around the world so donations can still be left in the baskets at the back of our churches in any plain envelope marked CAFOD. Alternatively, donations may be made online: (Using this link you can choose to which appeal you donate.)
Ukraine Emergency Appeal – The situation in Ukraine is still dire and the need for help is great. According to the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), over 5 million people have fled Ukraine into neighbouring countries (mainly to Poland, Hungary, Moldova and Romania), with thousands more having to leave their homes inside Ukraine. Many of those who have fled are women and children, having to leave behind their loved ones. CAFOD are part of one of the largest aid networks in the world – Caritas Internationalis, and because of its global reach and local presence, they are there when an emergency hits. CAFOD’s Ukrainian and neighbouring Caritas local aid workers and volunteers are part of the communities they work with and so understand people’s immediate needs. They are working round the clock to help the thousands in real need. To read the very latest update on Ukraine just follow the link:
People fleeing the war in Ukraine reach safety at a border crossing into Moldova.
Together, we can stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and send our prayers to our sister organisation Caritas Ukraine, and those Caritas agencies in neighbouring countries, who are already helping people affected by this conflict.
To pray for Ukraine just follow the link:
CAFOD Campaigns – CAFOD has two main campaign asks at the moment:
1) ‘Cancel the Debt’ - Zambia is in the middle of a huge debt crisis. Yet BlackRock, a private asset management firm, one of the country’s biggest lenders, refused Zambia’s request to suspend debt repayments during the pandemic. Help Zambia by signing a petition urging BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, to cancel their debt:
2) ‘Fix the Food System’ - The global food system is broken. It does not work for those who work the hardest – small farmers – and it is a major driver of the climate emergency. Millions going hungry, while large agri-businesses make huge profits.
Join CAFOD's new food campaign
Email the Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, using a pre-written email, asking the UK government to implement its COP26 commitments and support agricultural systems that tackle the climate crisis and put local communities first. To get involved follow the link:
Fourth Sunday of Lent – 27th March 2022
Lent Appeals – Thanks so much for your generous support of CAFOD’s work, so far as a parish we have raised £1,500 and this has been sent to CAFOD. The money raised has been split between the Fast Day Appeal fighting global hunger and the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Needs remain great, so donations can still be left in the baskets at the back of our churches in the CAFOD Fast Day envelopes or any plain envelope marked CAFOD. Alternatively, donations may be made online:
Amie does everything she can to make sure there is enough good, healthy food on the table throughout the year.
To find out a little more about Amie and Lombeh, from Sierra Leone, who are featured in the Fast Day materials, just follow the link below:
Ukraine Emergency Appeal –
The situation in Ukraine is dire and the need for help is great. According to the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), over 3.5 million people have fled Ukraine into neighbouring countries (mainly to Poland, Hungary, Moldova and Romania), with thousands more having to leave their homes inside Ukraine. Many of those who have fled are women and children, having to leave behind their loved ones. CAFOD are part of one of the largest aid networks in the world – Caritas Internationalis, and because of its global reach and local presence, they are there when an emergency hits. CAFOD’s Ukrainian and neighbouring Caritas local aid workers and volunteers are part of the communities they work with and so understand people’s immediate needs. They are working round the clock to help the thousands in real need. To read the very latest update on Ukraine just follow the link:
Caritas-Spes, a charity of the Religious Mission of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, provides meals for people waiting to cross the border into Poland.
Together, we can stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and send our prayers to our sister organisation Caritas Ukraine, and those Caritas agencies in neighbouring countries, who are already helping people affected by this conflict. To pray for Ukraine just follow the link:
Email the Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary – Our bishop, Rt Rev John Arnold, Chair of Trustees at CAFOD, along with more than 1000 faith leaders from across the UK, have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, urging him to reconsider the Nationality and Borders Bill. CAFOD is now asking us to back this up by urging the government to push for peace in Ukraine and safety for refugees. We can do this by sending a pre-written email to the Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary; it is very simple, just follow the link to get involved:
Many thanks for your continued generosity in supporting the work of CAFOD around the world. Let us hope and pray for a peaceful and rapid end to the war in Ukraine.
CAFOD Fundraising Events for the Parish –
The parish CAFOD group wish to invite everyone to two upcoming fundraising events:
The first is a ‘Walk Against Hunger’ - a short walk of approximately 2.5km around the grounds of Towneley Park. It will be held on Sunday 3rd April starting at 1.30pm from the bottom car park next to the Rotunda/children’s play area. Participants can make a voluntary donation or request a sponsorship form from Dominic via email (
The second event is a Lent Soup Lunch – to be held on Friday 8th April. Mass will be celebrated at 12 Noon at St John the Baptist’s Church followed by a soup lunch in the parish hall. Everyone is most welcome, so please attend these events if possible and help us raise funds to tell hunger to ‘jog on’ this Lent.
3rd March 022 Lent Fast Day & Ukraine Emergency
Family Fast Day - This Fast Day, Friday 11th March, we remember the many people who need our love and support all around the world, such as children experiencing malnutrition like Amie’s daughter Lombeh (pictured on the Fast Day envelopes and below) did in Sierra Leone or as we are seeing now in Ukraine, families affected by conflict. Your small act of love can make big things happen. Donations to CAFOD this Lent will reach families around the world, enabling local experts to provide support to families in times of need or conflict. You can donate in church using a CAFOD envelope or by visiting the CAFOD website:
Lombeh (front left) with her family
During Lent, the money raised within the parish will be shared between CAFOD’s Lent Appeal and the Ukraine Emergency Appeal.
Lombeh, pictured above, was one of the approximately 200 million children in the world who are malnourished. It was only through the love and determination of her mother, Amie, and with the loving support of Sister Anthonia, that Lombeh survived her first year of life. She is now a healthy and happy five year old who loves to dance and play. To learn more about Lombeh and how Sister Anthonia’s baby clinic helped save her life, you can watch a beautiful, short film by following this link:
Ukraine Emergency Appeal - CAFOD is deeply disturbed by the ongoing attacks on Ukraine. According to the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), over 1 million people have fled Ukraine into neighbouring countries (mainly to Poland, Hungary, Moldova and Romania), with thousands more having to leave their homes inside Ukraine. Many of those who have fled are women and children, having to leave behind their loved ones.
CAFOD are part of one of the largest aid networks in the world – Caritas Internationalis, and because of our global reach and local presence, we are there when an emergency hits. As one Caritas, we stand united with them. Our Ukrainian and neighbouring Caritas local aid workers and volunteers are part of the communities they work with and so understand people’s immediate needs.
Caritas Poland helping Refugees on their border.