Archived Items from the Parish Website's Home Page -
which may be of some historical interest
Please note: items are in reverse chronological order - most recent item first. This also contains some of the items from the Covid crisis as it unfolded during those uncertain times.
February 2025
Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February 2025 are this year's World Leprosy Days and there will be an appeal in our three churches that weekend.
Click here to find out more
Click here to watch Lepra's Faith Appeal Video
January 2025
Arrangements have now been made for the 80th Anniversary of the Annual Holocaust Memorial Service to be held at the Peace Garden, Croft Street, Burnley starting at 12noon on Sunday 26th January 2025.
The service will commemorate and honour all the victims of the Holocaust and assert a commitment to oppose racism, anti-Semitism, victimisation, and genocide.
The Service, which will be attended by The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Shah Hussain, will be a multi-faith service.
Wreaths of remembrance may be laid after the service.
Members of the public are invited to attend the service.
November 2024
Assisted Suicide -
Please act NOW - the vote is TOMORROW!
Please Note: the vote will be taken on Friday, 29th November. If you wish to make your voice heard on this vitally important decision you will need to act in time for your message to get through (ie NOW). See link to email Oliver Ryan MP, below.
Parliament will be voting on a proposed Assisted Dying Bill very soon. This is an insidious Bill; apart from the obvious moral, religious and ethical considerations, the main concerns are that eventually people will be subject to 'persuasion' for well-intended reasons or bad ones. From persons thinking they are acting in the best interest of the patient, to people wishing to get their hands an an inheritance early, to elderly or unwell people not wishing (often unnecessarily so) to be a 'burden' on their relatives.
The MP who represents us here in Burnley, Oliver Ryan, has made it known he will be voting in support of the Bill. He says he hopes there will be sufficient safeguards and guidelines built into the legislation. However, no matter how robust the guidelines and safeguards may be, you can be assured that they will be watered down and weakened over time. Witness the abortion laws, which have slowly, almost imperceptibly but inexorably crept from abortion in what have been perceived by some to be ‘justifiable’ causes to 'abortion on demand' in reality.
However, there’s still time for Mr Ryan to change his mind and perhaps you could help him to do that.
Go to Right to Life’s easy to fill-in email, asking him to reconsider his views:
Meanwhile you might like to see actor and disability rights advocate Liz Carr's BBC documentary on assisted suicide, Better Off Dead? You can watch it for free by clicking the link below (you do not need a TV licence). It might give you some ideas about what you'd like to say to Oliver Ryan.
August 2024
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Holy Day of Obligation)
15th August 2024
The 12:00 Noon Mass from St Mary's will be Live Streamed
June 2024
May 2024
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Holy Day of Obligation
9th May 2024
The 12 noon Mass at St Mary's will be live streamed
for the benefit of any parishioner unable to get there in person
January 2024
December 2023
September 2023
Calling All Catholic Health Care Workers!
Catholic Medical Association Invitation,
7:00 - 9:00pm Wednesday 27th September 2023
The CMA is an association of Catholic healthcare professionals (so, not just doctors but anyone in health care). We are meeting monthly, celebrating Mass together, followed by a presentation and/or discussions on topics that are (loosely) related to healthcare and the intersection with faith. The group provides the company of likeminded people, 'moral support' when we are feeling lost or overwhelmed in our jobs, or just the opportunity to network with others. The presentations are often by group members about things close to their hearts or interests, or we are getting external speakers on something interesting.
The meetings used to be at St Catherine's in Didsbury, and the hospital chaplain for the Manchester hospitals (currently Fr Gavin Landers, who used to be curate at St Mary’s) celebrates the Mass and hosts the meeting, which covers the entire diocese. However, many people from our area found it difficult to attend due to the long drive to South Manchester from here after a long working day. So currently we are trialing to rotate the location, and Burnley/St Mary’s is the first ‘non-Manchester’ parish to host the meeting. See the poster below for more information.
The meetings are open to any Catholic healthcare professional, not just CMA members.
No booking is needed, just turn up.
The Holy Week graphic below was sent in by a viewer:
(the authorship of the above graphic is unknown but features on a number of websites throughout the world.
If you hold the copyright and would like an acknowledgement & link we'd be delighted to provide one)
Jan 2023
This year's President's Night will be held in the ground floor lounge.
Parish coach trip to Oscott College, Birmingham
Mark McGeehan, our seminarian has invited us to spend an afternoon at St Mary's College, Oscott, Birmingham, as part of a college initiative called "Parish Sunday". The day will comprise afternoon tea on arrival at the College, a tour of the college by Mark and other seminarians and culminates in joining the Community for solemn Vespers in the college chapel. This will take place on Sunday 12th February.
A coach has been booked & will be leaving at:
St John's (Colne Road) 12 Noon ~ St Mary's (Yorkshire St) 12.10pm ~ Christ the King (Manchester Road 12.20pm)
We hope to be back in Burnley by 9pm. Places are limited so please book early to ensure you get a place.
The cost of the whole experience is £20 per person. If interested, please contact Lynne, tel 07850 048 538
Thank you.
Nelson Secret Singers begins Thursday January 5th 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Christ Church 15 Cross Street Nelson - "can't sing" ? This is for you - songs from various styles and cultures will hopefully give us confidence in singing - to bring along to our parish community. There is a charge to cover costs however the first session is being offered for free as a 'taste and sing'. Maria Boys 07929 256406 is our parish contact and
Bookings for the previously advertised Parish Christmas Lunch have now closed. However, if you're stuck on your own at Christmas email Mike Morris at
Parish Christmas Day Lunch
Thanks to a terrific response to our recent appeal for help, we now have a strong team of volunteers to enable us to offer a free two course Christmas Day lunch in the parish for those who would otherwise be on their own. This will take place in the parish rooms on Sunday 25th December.
Places are strictly limited to those who book. If you would like to book a place please contact Michael Morris by Sunday 11th December on tel 07929 451 566 or email
Month of the Most Holy Rosary Evening Vigil Oct 7th, 6:15pm |
![]() |
See below |
The Month of the Most Holy Rosary
The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley
St Marys Church Friday October 7th 6-15 start
Evening Vigil
The Holy Rosary at the Grotto followed by Holy Mass in the Church
Celebrated by Father David Featherstone
Refreshment break in the Parish Rooms Then Exposition and Benediction

St Mary's is back open - yay!! :-)
April 2022:

Burnley Municipal Choir
will perform
at the Mechanics, Burnley
on Saturday 9th April at 7.00pm
The concert is dedicated to the people of Ukraine.
Tickets £15, under 18 £6.50 available on the door or
from Mechanics Box Office 01282 664400,
Rosary Rally for Ukraine
Mark our seminarian and the other seminarians at Oscott College are walking round their grounds 100 times in order to raise funds for CAFOD to support Ukraine. They are also incorporating the Rosary into their sponsored event. They have asked for our support, please see poster below.
We include the Just Giving link should anyone be kind enough to donate a few pennies.
100 laps of the grounds is no mean feat!
There is an extended article on the KSC page about the Burnley KSC Council's Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Campaign.
The first of this years Deanery Lenten Station Masses will be celebrated in the Good Samaritan Parish at St Johns 7pm March 24th and there is a request for all who enjoy singing or playing an instrument to gather and lead our music.
Meeting at 6pm on the same evening will give us a chance, yes you've guessed it, to ensure we are all singing from the same hymn sheet! You are very welcome.
Pope Francis Announces Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine
Click here to go the the article on the Diocesan website
Parish Appeal in support of Lepra for World Leprosy Day
29th & 30th January
Watch this short video:
Click below and double your donatation at no extra cost!
If you don't wish to donate online there will be a collection at both Christ the King and St John's this week-end
Mark Conroy, a member of Burnley Catenians, has been elected as the Catenian Association Great Britain National Vice President. He begins his one year term of office in April 2022 and will become Great Britain National President in April 2023.
Mark is Managaing Director of Conroy Electrical and is married to Maxine and they have two children.
Parents of Children Preparing to Celebrate Their First Holy Communion
Please click on the attached link, which will assist parents of children preparing to celebrate their first communion in the coming days and weeks. This is in lieue of the normal parents meetings that have been cancelled due to covid.
Parish Appeal for Lepra, 29th & 30th January
At the end of the month it will be World Leprosy Day and the parish is mounting an appeal on behalf of Lepra, the charity caring for those with leprosy.
Please click here for further information.
(NB scroll down to the bottom of the Lepra page, where you'll see a handy QR Code which you can use to donate :-)
A short film (2m 40 sec) about what Lepra is doing to combat leprosy
Click below and double your donatation at no extra cost!
If you don't wish to donate online there will be a collection at both Christ the King and St John's that week-end
Carmine’s thought for the day ~ Tues 18th January 2022
I would like to thank all parishioners for the warm welcome I have received during my placement here at the Parish of the Good Samaritan. I have enjoyed getting to know the town of Burnley and meeting the parishioners. Fr David and Fr Damien have been a great asset and I have learned a lot from them, much of which I will use in the future. Furthermore, I would to thank them for their hospitality, generosity and support. I was told before I came, that the people of Burnley are kind and down to Earth and this has definitely been my experience of you.
During the last two weeks, I have visited the sick and bereaved as well as helped to arrange other sacraments like Baptism. I have really enjoyed serving on the altar at parish Masses including a number of funerals. I have also been involved in working with a visiting school group to St John’s church. In addition to this there are lots of other things which I have been involved with.
It has been a privilege to see “behind the scenes” at the life of a priest and all that goes on in a parish. This placement has passed very quickly and am saddened to be leaving now. Thanks again for everything and please keep myself and the other seminarians for our Diocese in your prayers.
Burnley is working on a new Cultural Strategy - WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU !
Culture means lots of different things to different people - it’s part of our everyday lives - it’s about the things we enjoy doing - making our lives richer, meaningful and happier.
To help you think more about culture and what it might involve; ( not including Sport and Fitness)
“We all do it - we all need it - even if we don’t know we are doing it - From Museums to Galleries, Theatres to Concert Halls to the local Pub, Television to Film, Festivals to Mela - in our homes, at school, at the community centre, places of worship - on your own, with others, out in our parks and countryside. From Drama to Dance, Pop to Classical to Folk, HipHop to Ballet, Rapping to Beat Boxing, Stand Up Comedy to Spoken Word, Poetry to Storytelling, Disc Jockeying to Drawing, Painting to Pottery, Knitting to Crocheting, Book Clubs to Flower Arranging, Digital Art to Photography, Fashion to Design, Architecture to Crafting, Sculpting to Singing, Karaoke to Tattooing, Playing in a Band to Gaming and Digital Creativity. Culture is in everything we do - part of our life choices - an expression of who we are - our desires and hopes - it’s what makes life enjoyable”
What we want to hear about from you?:
or contact please contact Anthony Preston directly -
Please reply by Friday 17 February 2022
- What do you like to get involved in?
- Where do you get involved - on your own, in a group, with others?
- What do you get out of it?
- What do you think of what’s on offer on Burnley at the moment?
- What’s good and bad?
- Is there anything stopping you from getting involved?
- What would you like to see more of in Burnley ?
- Your name? ( if you want it included)
- If responding on behalf of a group - who are you?
- If a group involved in culture - tell us about what you do and what your especially proud of?
CAFOD Christmas Update - Click Here
The (almost) Annual KSC Christmas Raffle was drawn on Monday. The results are shown on the KSC page.
Afghanistan - Please Pray and Give
CAFOD/DEC Afghanistan Appeal
Please give as generously as you can:
KSC Council recently recognised the acheivements of two members - see the KSC page for more detail.
Universal Synod
Down-to-earth explanations of the very worthwhile Synodal project....
Tuesday, 7 December 7:00pm-8:00pm but register for catch-up link later
Come along to an interactive panel discussion about the Synodal Pathway in the Catholic Church in England and Wales, as we respond to Pope Francis' call and start to listen, reflect and discern where the Holy Spirit might be moving us. Find out how you can get involved in your parish and diocese. With Synod experts Fr Jan Nowotnik from the Catholic Bishops' Conference, Dr Pat Jones from Durham University and Francis Stewart from CAFOD.
Many parishes have already commenced or about to commence their synodal journeys. We hope this online discussion will be helpful to everyone interested in the Synod and inspire more people to get involved in their parish and diocesan journeys.
Please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested – your family, friends in the parish, your parish priest, the Synod facilitators in your parish. All are welcome. Feel free to share the registration link on social media too.
Remember that if you can't attend live, you can still register and watch it on catch-up and share the link with others afterwards.
A Lovely Letter to Fr David, Fr Damien and All Parishioners
from Frs Emmanuel and Clement:
Dearest Brethren,
May the peace and blessings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you.
To be honest we lack words to express our gratitude to the members of Good Samaritan Parish Burnley for all the demonstration of love and affection fr Clement and I received from you. Words are not enough but we will continue to pray for each and every one of you.
It was really overwhelming as the cards poured in, emotional expressions, gifts of all kinds and so much coming from all the three churches. We will not forget you as we will carry you always in our hearts and prayers.
Blackley is not too far from Burnley and we will be very delighted if any of you visiting Manchester decides to drop by for a cup of tea or coffee in our much more humble presbytery.
Thank you, thank you and thank you.
Yours sincerely
Frs Clement and Emmanuel.
Burnley Catenians celebrated their Centenary (albeit 12 months later than expected) with a banquet at Turf Moor. There were 136 diners including guests who travelled from as far away as Southampton, Ascot, Stirling and Worsthorne. The Mayor and Mayoress of Burnley and the Catenians National President were the principal guests. The photo shows Burnley Catenian Brothers and the principal guests.
Pope Francis Calls Universal Synod
Pope Francis has called a Universal Synod which is taking place in every Catholic diocese across the world. The Synod is themed: "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission". Our Diocese wants to hear from as many people as possible, those involved in the church and those who are not.
The Diocese of Salford is highlighting an annual campaign to fight religious persecution for Christians around the world which returns this week with a special focus on women and young girls.
Red Wednesday is an annual initiative from Aid to the Church in Need that aims to highlight the daily suffering, oppression, violence, torture, and death endured by the Christian community the world over.
This year, Aid to the Church in Need is highlighting the plight of women and girls in particular, who in many parts of the world live under the constant threat of kidnap, forced marriage and conversion, rape, and sexual enslavement.
For further information see:
We're looking for a couple more people to help out with live streaming Mass every other Sunday.
It's interesting, it's easy, good on the job training given, bags of support!
Contact Mike Morris on 07929 451 566
St. Mary's Church Update
We received some encouraging news, although St Mary's church unfortunately remains temporarily closed. A new architect has been appointed to the project and over the next few weeks up to Christmas is carrying out the essential background checks and assessments that are particularly necessary for a listed building such as St Mary's church. He has also produced a works schedule which would see the necessary internal and external repairs beginning simultaneously on the second week of January. This is scheduled to be completed by the end of February and we envisage reopening in early March in time for the start of Lent. We will continue to keep you informed through the newsletter and through this website.
Our very own Good Samaritan Parish CAFOD Group, who are urging action at COP26 to save the earth feature in a Burnley Express article just published.
We have been asked to put this on the website as it is felt some parishioners may find this cause to be of interest and may wish to support it:
"Please consider signing the petition "Support the Amess Amendment" on CitizenGO. This is to ensure access in emergency crime scenes by priests / ministers to the severely injured and dying. A priest was not allowed to adminster the sacraments to Sir David Amess. It would have been so important to him. Catholics and non-catholics alike have criticised the decision.
"It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:
Support the Amess Amendment | CitizenGO
"The brutal murder of Sir David Amess, the Conservative MP for Southend West, has reverberated across the world. This appalling act was an attack on Western values of democracy and freedom. One disturbing detail emerging from this tragedy was the news that Sir David, a devout Catholic, was denied the comfort of a Catholic priest as he lay dying."
Update to CAFOD Page -
Harvest Family Fast Day latest and update to COP26 letter to our local MP/List of Signatories
Last weekend Fr David announced that that our wonderful Vincentian Fathers have been asked by their Superior and by Bishop John to take up a new mission in the Diocese. Therefore by 12th November, Fr Emmanuel and Fr Clement will have been transferred to the parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St John Bosco in Blackley in North Manchester, which is already being run by the Vincentian Fathers.
We are very grateful for the joyful ministry of Fr Blaise, Fr Emmanuel, Fr Lawrence, Fr Benneth and Fr Clement which has greatly enriched and blessed our Parish here in Burnley over the last four years and more. We have really loved having them among us with their missionary charism and their desire to serve the poor and needy. They have made a major contribution and a lasting impression upon us all.
We know that the Vincentian Fathers will be greatly missed and their leaving will bring some questions and uncertainty. However please be assured that Fr David and Fr Damien are fully committed to doing their very best to serving and leading the Parish of the Good Samaritan. As we have planned for this eventuality, we are confident that the parish can continue to grow and flourish. We thank you for your continuing support, understanding and cooperation and ask your prayers for your priests during this time of change.
Trafficking and modern slavery
See the Caritas page for links to videos and stories on this ongoing evil which destroys the lives of many men, women and children.
Fr Emmanuel & Fr Clement
We are most sad to learn that we are to lose Fr Emmanuel & Fr Clement in November as they are being transferred to another parish by bishop John. No doubt the other parish's needs are even greater than ours but neverless we are very sorry to see them go.
Like our other Vincentian Missionary priests before them, they have made a terrific contibution to the life of our parish and we have been well blessed to have had the benefit of their enthusiasm, dedication and service to us.
May God go with them to their new challenge; they will remain with us in the form of happy and grateful memories.
Update to CAFOD's letter to our local MP, Antony Higginbotham:
The letter has just been updated and will be circulated more widely throughout Burnley communities.
Just in - our new 'Items of Interest' page kicks off with a home-grown,
internationally acclaimed football genius from our very own parish,
someone you may have never even heard of ...
The parish CAFOD group tried unsuccessfully to arrange a meeting with our local MP regarding the upcoming UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, COP26. The meeting was going to involve group members, pupil representatives from our parish schools and other interested parishioners or constituents. Since Antony Higginbotham is unable to meet us, as a group we have decided to write a letter urging him to ensure our UK Government leads by example and helps secure a just climate deal for all the world. We think it is very important that he knows the views of his constituents and we are hoping parish groups or parishioners will add their signatures to this letter:
Please have your name added as a signatory to this letter (below), to do so contact Paul Carney, a member of the CAFOD group, by email:
Letter to Antony Higginbotham for COP26
(updated 20/10/21)
Dear Antony Higginbotham MP
Re – A just and binding climate deal at COP 26
As you are aware, the global UN Climate Conference in Glasgow will shortly be taking place. We are writing to you to express our strong belief that it is crucial to the survival and flourishing of our planet for future generations that world leaders agree at COP 26:
• A realistic, achievable plan to tackle climate change, in particular, to prevent exceeding the 1.5°C rise in global average temperature above pre-industrial levels.
• A binding commitment to take whatever actions are necessary to implement that plan.
• That the plan and actions ensure that the most vulnerable and poorest communities in the world are protected from the worst effects of climate change, as it is these who have contributed least to global warming. This must include a properly funded, global climate mitigation fund to enable those poorest countries that are worst affected by the climate crisis to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and develop sustainable energy sources.
We ask that you bring our concerns to the attention of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, Alok Sharma (President of COP26) and the Government as a whole. As hosts of COP26, we ask that they offer leadership to other countries and set an example for others to urgently act by slashing our carbon emissions, stopping all funding of fossil fuel projects at home and abroad and provide adequate finance to the UN Climate Fund. These will help save our planet and give our children and grandchildren a sustainable future.
In our plea, we are inspired by Pope Francis and Rt Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford, in our commitment to look after our common home and to hear the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.
“Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.” (Laudato Si, 25 – Pope Francis’ encyclical, 2015)
Yours sincerely
Dominic Aunger - Chair of Good Samaritan Parish CAFOD group.
Anne Marie Coppock – Treasurer of Good Samaritan Parish CAFOD Group
Paul Carney – Member of Good Samaritan Parish CAFOD Group
Fr David Featherstone - Parish Priest, Good Samaritan Parish.
From This Week's Burnley Express...
Burnley kindness for Afghan refugees shines through
Our parish gets a very positive mention in this week's edition of the Burnley Express. As one of our parishioners noted, people "opened their hearts and their hands to reach out to care for their fellow humans in need."
Read all about it here
Beat the Street is a free community wide initiative coming to Burnley with the aim to get residents walking, cycling, running, exploring the area, discovering new places and opportunities whilst boosting their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Beat the Street turns towns into giant games and it comes to Burnley for six weeks from Wednesday 15 September. To earn points, win prizes and discover more about your area, you quite simply pick up a Beat the Street card from one of the distribution points and tap Beat Boxes across the Area.
The Burnley webpage and opportunity to sign up is now open!
Afghan Refugee Appeal—WHAT A RESPONSE!
Caritas Salford requested that we collect goods for the displaced people. The parish joined forces with New Neighbours Together, the refugee charity that does so much of its excellent work from St John’s premises.
What followed was amazing! Firstly, our volunteers—a lovely group of parishioners, from teenage to ‘don’t ask!’, all our church communities, received, labelled, and stacked so much stuff! We had three lines of tables running the length of St John’s Parish Hall stacked, below and above up to shoulder height! It was five hours of intensive work, all done with great spirit and fun. Thank you all so much, and well done!
Our other volunteers were refugees who set the room up, and came to load up the van(s) to take the goods to Caritas’ depot in Manchester. They were non-stop-go! So much committed effort and at such speed! (Amongst them were a young couple who had brought goods from a mosque nearby, who stayed and got stuck in as well!) This reflects the spirit of the ‘project’ throughout.
On Friday and Saturday people came in their droves to bring their donations, from all part of our local community. There were lots of different schools, churches, mosques and other local charities from across East Lancs. All of these people were like the other hundreds of individuals who came with goods. They shone out with their kindness, generosity, and real wish to help their unknown ‘neighbours’ from the terrors of all that we have seen going on in Afghanistan.
We were also greatly assisted by three local organisations: Furniture for Education Worldwide (FEW), Calico and Emmaus who all offered transport to take the goods to Manchester. In the event the huge FEW van took the lot!! This itself felt like a miracle—the more we put in, the space never diminished until it was full!! Thanks to all three organisations.
But the greatest gift that the people and volunteers brought was their kindness, generosity, their loving care and concern for people in need. They opened their hearts and their hands to reach out to care for their fellow humans in need.
The Knights of St Columba have published details of the 2021/22 Youth Competions. For more details please see the KSC page on this website.
Just In...
Bishop John was on the phone yesterday morning to appoint Fr David as the new Rural Dean of St John Vianney Deanery in succession to Fr Simon Stamp who has this week been moved from Accrington to Manchester. Fr David feels honoured to be asked to become Dean and is very pleased to know that he was nominated for the role by several of the priests of the Deanery. It comes just as he just finished his diocesan vocations role which he had done for over 15 years.
He counts on your continuing support and prayers as he takes on this new role.
Congratulations to Fr David!
Update to yesterday's notice:
A chance to help financially or donate items to refugees arriving in the North West:
Concerned about the plight of those seeking refuge from the turbulent, dangerous situation in Afganistan?
Wish you could do something to help?
See this page on the diocesan website.
It's not difficult -
in fact it's easier than you may think!
Can you help out?
Our live stream is a vital connection - and sometimes the only one - for many of the people in the parish, who, for whatever reason, cannot get to Mass on Sundays. We need someone to join the streaming team for an hour or two every other Sunday. Full training given. It's not so hard and it's a new skill, a new insight into how we live stream services.
Also, from time to time we need help mid-week, (for funeral Masses, weddings, etc), again an invaluable service, broadcast to many at home and abroad If you unable to commit to a Sunday, are you sometimes available during the week on an ad hoc basis?
If you think you may be interested and would like to know more, please contact Mike Morris on 07929 451 566 or email him at
Burnley Catenians
To outline what the Catenians do and the benefits Parishioners can get out of it by joining, a short informative video has been produced. It can be viewed by visiting
For more information about the Catenians you can contact the Burnley Circle Membership Officer, Mick Armfield, on 01282 459424. Please give him a call. It's a great organisation to be part of.
Burnley Catenians
Good news! After 17 months of virtual Zoom meetings, Burnley Catenians are meeting in person, 7:30pm on the 11th August at Burnley Football Club and just in time to celebrate their Centenary Banquet (albeit a year late!) at the same venue on the 12th November.
To outline what the Catenians do and the benefits Parishioners can get out of it by joining, a short informative video has been produced. It can be viewed by visiting
For more information about the Catenians you can contact the Burnley Circle Membership Officer, Mick Armfield, on 01282 459424. Please give him a call. It's a great organisation to be part of.
Canon Francis Deeney RIP
We received the sad news of the death of Canon Francis Deeney who served St Mary's Parish between 1972 to 1995. He was known, respected and loved for his kindness, supportiveness, encouragement and wisdom. As we commend his soul to the Lord, may we be particularly grateful for his faithful and dedicated ministry to the people of Burnley and other parts of the Diocese of Salford.
May he rest in peace
Can you help out at church
once a fortnight?
We need someone to help out on the live stream team for an hour or two every other Sunday. Full training and lots of support given. It's not too hard and it's a new skill, a new insight into how we live stream services, and - most importantly - it provides an invaluable service to those parishioners who for whatever reason cannot get to Mass on a Sunday.
In addition, from time to time we need help with week-day services, again an invaluable service to many at home and abroad - even if you cannot commit to a Sunday, are you sometimes available during the week on an ad hoc basis?
If you think you may be interested and would like to know more, please contact Mike Morris on 07929 451 566 or email him at
Sad News: Canon Francis Deeney RIP
Fr David has received the following from Bishop John's PA:
Dear Father,
I write to inform you of the sad news that Canon Frank Deeney died peacefully early this morning at McCauley Mount Care Home in Burnley.
Please remember him in your prayers and in the celebration of Mass. May he rest in peace.
An obituary notice will follow in due course.
Yours in Our Lord,
Below is the link for this week's Theme of the Week
from Rebecca Wilkinson of Blessed Trinity College
This week's theme is The Parable of the Talents
Thank you to Fr. David for his 'Thought of the Day' and to James and Bethany (Year 10) for their readings.
For Today, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church,
and our own Parish of the Good Samaritan. Click on the link below:
The Lord's Day at Home, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(to catch up with any previous issue of please click here)
Sponsored Bike Ride – Job Done! (Last Reminder)
James Capstick arrived at his destination in Leeds last Thursday after his 770 mile cycle trip from Burnley via Inverness! That’s about 30 Marathons!! Well done Jamie!! Leeds is the centre of the Rob Burrow Foundation, which helps research and supports people suffering from Motor Nuerone Disease. If you would like to sponsor James, or learn more about this event, please see the following “Just Giving” page:
For Today, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church,
and our own Parish of the Good Samaritan. Click on the link below:
The Lord's Day at Home, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(to catch up with any previous issue of please click here)
Below is the link for this week's Theme of the Week
from Rebecca Wilkinson of Blessed Trinity College
This week's theme is St Peter & St Paul
Big thanks to Fr David for his 'Thought of the Day' and to Matthew and Sebastian (Year 9) for their readings.
For Today, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church,
and our own Parish of the Good Samaritan. Click on the link below:
The Lord's Day at Home, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(to catch up with any previous issue of please click here)
After over eight solid months of publishing them, six days a week, we're beginning to run out of Quips!
Can you help? We need you to send in your quips (the dafter the better) if we're to continue.
Send your Quips to
And may we take this opprtunity to thank again all of you who've already sent quips in the past - you know who you are!
Just came acoss a wonderful quote from a Pentecostal minister and wanted to share it:
"Problems are the breeding ground of opportunity."
How true (but only if we make it true!)
Sister Clare Crockett
One of our parishioners found a documentary film on You tube and wanted to share it with us. It's about a young girl from Derry, Clare Crockett, who became a nun. It's an amazing and moving film - inspirational for all, especially, perhaps, for young people. The film is at:
Here is a quote by Sr Clare:
"Stop looking at everything that makes you sad and look at all the beautiful things you have around you! Always smile, even if it is hard."
Sister Clare Crockett
"Fancy a weekend away in November?!"
It's at The Passionist Minsteracres Retreat Centre near Hexham with the international speaker, song writer and author from the Iona Community - the Rev John Bell and is entitled " Humour and Horror in the Bible "
Some members of the Good Samaritan Parish are now booking and you are welcome to join in. All details are available in printed form at the back of all three churches, or on our website, or ring Karen 431723 who will forward them to you. Highly recommended!!
Thy Kingdom Come
Praying the Psalms from Ascension to Pentecost
Churches Working Together in Burnley
A series of 11 videos, one for each day between Ascension and Pentecost
Here's the final installment - we hope you've enjoyed the series!
Pentecost Sunday -
(premiers at 6:00am)
Previous Videos:
Ascension Day -
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 4 -
Day 5 -
Day 6 -
Day 7 -
Day 8 -
Day 9 -
Catenians 100
You may remember that Burnley Catenians were 100 years old last November but the planned celebration had to be cancelled. We are pleased to announce it has now been rearranged for 12 November 2021.
Please click here for more details
110 Club Reopens!
The KSC 110 Club is open again!
For opening times and further information,
Preparation video for parents of Year 4 children registered on the 2020 parish Sacramental programme
We have put together a short video whereby we help you as parents to prepare for your child's first Communion by reflecting on the Eucharist. I am very grateful to Miss Wilkinson at Blessed Trinity Catholic College for producing this Youtube video. Before you book your child's First Holy Communion Mass, please watch the video and take part in the Quiz which forms part of the presentation. The link for the video is as follows:
Fr David
Queen's Award for Voluntary Service
Do you know a voluntary group that deserves recognition for the work it does?
Why not consider nominating it for a national award?
Click here for more information on this year's awards!
We want to keep ourselves & families safe & wish for protection of the whole community.
It is so important that we vaccinate everyone, so we can enjoy our lives & town again.
An example of this took place on Tuesday evening 6th April, a drop-in clinic at St Peter's Health Centre was able to offer the 'jab' to those who are hard to reach & have complex needs in our community.
The doctors, medical staff & volunteers at the centre were working jointly with 'Church on the Street', Building Bridges in Burnley & myself to make this happen. The response was very successful.
If you know of anyone who hasn't received the vaccine & would like to, information is available on NHS website or e-mail;
Thank you,
We've been asked if we would upload this Near Nieghbours video about Covid Vaccines on our web site. It's very good and well worth a watch!
Many thanks to the Red Box holders in the Christ The King and St. Teresa's Church Communities for their donations for the period March 2020 - March 2021. A magnificent £1,200 has been donated, contributing to the work of the Mill Hill Missionaries throughout the world. God Bless you all.
The next collection, God willing, will be in October this year. If you would like a Red Box or have one that needs collecting please call Stephen/Francesca on 423496.
Mothers Day Reflections from a Mere Male
'Touch His Hem'
We have recently been sent a link to a YouTube music video created by a parishioner who attends Christ the King church, Frank Carroll who wrote the lyrics, and Adam Barton (Frank's son in law) who wrote the music. The pair are singer/songwriters who have written a number of gospel songs.
This one’s called “Touch His Hem” and is about Christ’s healing ministry and faith. We must say, we really liked it – take a look and see what you think!
Today's Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was lovely. If you'd like to see a recording of it,
Following this morning's Requiem Mass for David Hartley RIP we received this email from Fr Michael Waters, former parish priest of St John's Parish:
I offered Holy Mass, here in Larmenier Retirement Village, Blackburn, for the repose of the soul of David simultaneous with his Requiem in St. John’s church, and I was privileged to join the celebration live, on-line, for the prayers of commendation.
Today is the feast of Timothy and Titus who were the closest supporters of St. Paul in his missionary activity and they eventually became bishops in their own right. I dare say that had David been living at that time he would have been accorded the same honour!
May he rest in peace.
Fr. Michael Waters.
The recording of this morning's Requiem Mass for David Hartley RIP
which was live streamed from St John's is now available to view:
Note 22/1/21
Unfortunately this page somehow got corrupted and the bottom end was chopped off. Until we get the time to repair it, a snapshot dated 30/10/20 (the latest) may be found on the Wayback Machine:
We've been very good at attributing, at the bottom of the page, all the Public Domain artwork we use; if we have used any of your artwork since 30/10/20 and it's therefore not noted on the latest Wayback Machine version, please email us (see Contact/Find Us Page) and we will gladly attribute your work to you.
Despite the horrendous death toll...
so many people are neither wearing face masks when in contact with other peopler, or even keeping any sort of social distancing. Don’t get blasé about it. Covid doesn’t spread itself, people do.
It’s not over yet so PLEASE be responsible, wear a face mask and keep a social distance when talking to other people. Otherwise you may kill them - literally.
David Hartley
When Father David said at Sunday morning's Mass that he was very saddened to hear of the death of David Hartley he was reflecting what a great many people in the parish were feeling. Not only had David Hartley done so much for St John's and, more latterly, the Parish of the Good Samaritan as a whole, he played a key role in the creation of this website and so it is only right and fitting that he should be remembered here.
David was much admired and respected by so many who knew him and tributes have poured in. Some of them are shared below, with grateful thanks to their authors for granting permission:
We will pray for David that the angels welcome him and he receives his reward for all the work he has undertaken on behalf of the Parish for so many years. May God rest his soul and console his family.
Anne Marie
He was loved and highly respected by so many and will be so missed. He was truly a great man, and so too will his reward in heaven be great. We pray that David will rest in everlasting peace and that God will console and comfort his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.
It struck me from time to time how, in a very quiet and unpretentious way, David was very devout as a Catholic. Bless you, David, you could also be as stubborn as a mule (Eileen and Rachael may know more about that!). Reflecting on those two things, I can see a clear connection, and they were both, I am sure, within the Lord's plan for his life, for all that he was able to give to us all.
David was a man with a big heart, boundless energy and commitment for the Church and parish. God rest his soul and grant comfort to Rachael, Eileen, Fiona and all the family at this most difficult of times.
Over many years David was constantly involved and supported all the many various groups at St John's. He was always there to help when it was needed and he was a firm friend to many.
In more recent times he has been a friend and support to our new priests, He will be missed by everyone in every area of work at St Johns as a friend, guide and support. God rest you David and sincere sympathy to your dear family.
Eileen E
David will always be remembered at Saint John's. We have been in the parish for over 40 years and David has always been there. He was a very kind, caring and hardworking man who devoted his life to his family and the church. For the parish of Saint Johns, he was like the head of a very loving family. He always showed concern and care for others and made light of his own problems. The comfort his family and friends can take following his sad death is that the selfless love, devotion and faith that he showed throughout his life will surely be rewarded in heaven.
Eileen and Patrick
He was a Good Samaritan in every sense...
Fr David
We have read all of the wonderful and well deserved tributes to David, and recognise his goodness in all of them, from our thirty years of knowing him well. His dedication and utter selflessness were combined with such passion and compassion. I would like to add, amongst all his other great works, a recognition of his work for Refugees and Asylum Seekers through New Neighbours which operates so much of its work at St John’s. He has always been positive and taken initiative to promote their interests with his compassion, recognising the migrants as ‘neighbours’ in the sense used in the parable. He never passed on the other side. The Trustees have all expressed their dismay, sadness and deep gratitude for his work for the charity.
God bless David, Eileen and the family. They are in our prayers.
Frank, Barbara, and New Neighbours
He was such a lovely man indeed and will be greatly missed. Love to Rachael and all the family xx
I had the privilege of working at church with David over the last few months what a dedicated and prayerful man he was all the unknown kindness he has shown to so many people over the years
Rest in peace dear David
David will be missed by all who knew him. He was a man with a big heart and a very generous person in more ways than one. He was the face of St John's as everyone knew him and if you wanted to know anything, ask David. He was a friend to many and will leave a very big hole which wont be filled. Both on a personal level and from the SVP members I send my heartfelt condolences and sympathy to Eileen, Rachael and all the family. May the Good Lord watch over you all and bring you comfort. RIP David it has been a privilege to have known you.
David, as well as his many ministries in the Church, was a good friend to St John's School. A School Governor and Chair of Governors for many years, he also ran the Sacramental Programme and developed 'Minnie Vinnies' in the School. He introduced me to Governance and was extremely supportive when I took over the role of Chair, always available to offer his years of expertise when required. His depth of knowledge of Church and School matters was exceptional. His presence at School will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace David.
David's devotion and dedication to the Parish of St John's was unequalled. He was always there working behind the scenes or visible in the in the church answering questions, organising or sharing a caring word with someone.
When my niece was going through a tough time with her health, David would make a point to search me out before mass to enquire how she was doing. It meant alot to my sister and I. His kindness and caring words were a great comfort. St John's parish was so important to him and he was determined to help keep it running smoothly, even though in poor health. A true Christian who will be so missed by all.
We continue to pray for David and all his family with love and thanks for all his hard work, support and kindness over the years. I'm sure he is welcomed by "well done good and faithful servant" love and God bless to Rachel and family and also to all in the group here too
I can't remember when I first came across David it seems like he's always been in the parish.
On reflection it seems he's been part of the parish family for 30 years during which he supported me personally, by listening and helping with problems within my family, with illnesses and especially when my daughter died suddenly over 9 years ago. I was so grateful for his help organising the funeral and afterwards at the parish hall. He said don't worry we're all one family and that's what families do, we support each other. Again when both my mum and dad died.
I help in the repository on Sundays and as my "boss" he also used to keep an eye on me but it gave me a chance to see how much he was quietly doing after the mass.
He has a legacy of all the good work he did tirelessly and as a prayerful Catholic but it is also the time and interest he took in people on a personal level.
There's so much he did and so much to be grateful for. As a parishioner worshipping at St John's and despite the pandemic, whatever we do collectively going forward we do owe in no small part to David and his example.
God bless him and his family.
Veronica G
Public Masses and Other Services
Following the end of lockdown on 2nd December public Masses have now resumed as follows:
Important Notice: Please see the announcement at the top of this page for temporary alterations of times & venues while St Mary's undergoes repairs
St Mary's
Mon to Sat 9.30am Mass
Saturday Vigil 6:30pm
Sunday 10:00am Mass (Live Streamed)
(as of 6th June 2021)
St John's
Tues 12 Noon Mass
Wed 7pm Mass
Thurs 10.30am Mass
Saturday 6:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 10.45am Mass
Christ the King
Mon 7pm Mass
Friday 12 Noon Mass
Sunday 9:15am Mass (as of 6th June 2021)
Sunday 5pm Mass
Exposition: There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament starting 30 minutes before all of the weekday Masses (Mon to Sat).
Exposition and Reconciliation: Every Saturday there will be Exposition and Reconciliation at St Mary's from 10.30 to 11.30am, The Reconciliation will take place in the Sacred Heart chapel. Please be guided by the Stewards.
A Warm Welcome to the Parish of the Good Samaritan!
We welcome Fr Clement Kafor C.M. who arrived on Monday at St John’s presbytery.. We look forward to getting to know him!
Altar Servers Online Retreat –
'Serving God and our neighbour in the everyday'
Saturday 27th February 2021 – 10am-12pm (Ages 8-11) and 1pm-3pm (Ages 12-17) - Servers aged 18 and over please email the address below
The day includes a keynote from Bishop John on the ministry of serving during this time and in the future, times of prayer, a recommissioning service and workshops on 'Challenges & Opportunities', 'Prayer - A Friendship with Jesus', and 'Called to Serve'.
To register your place or for more information email
An under 18's videoconferencing consent form must be downloaded from here, completed by parents/carers and returned to the above email address. The retreat will take place on Zoom.
Catenians Score a Century
Last month the Catenians in Burnley celebrated their first 100 years - though not quite in the the way they would ever have envisioned!
Click below to find out more:
Burnley Catenians Centenary Celebrations
Mary’s Meals
Mary’s Meals have asked us to share this video, which we do with pleasure -
They have another exciting piece of news is about their "Double The Love" match funding campaign:
“So much can be asked of us at this time of year. It may be hard to always say yes. Mary said yes to being the Mother of Jesus and as a young, unmarried girl this must have been a terrifying moment for her. Yet her 'yes' brought Jesus into the world and changed lives forever. Throughout this year of many challenges, thanks to our generous supporters, Mary's Meals has continued to say yes to feeding desperately hungry children with a daily meal in a place of education.
Now we are delighted to share with you a new opportunity to say yes and provide 43,000 hungry children in Bong County, Liberia, with a life-changing meal at school. From 2nd November until 31st January 2021, donations made to our Double The Love campaign will be matched by the UK government, up to £2 million.
Please consider setting a place at our Big Family Christmas dinner table or buying a Christmas gift card on our website. More information on how to support us can be found at
Thank you”
This appeared on the BBC News site this morning - a significant slice of life in Burnley today.
Just shows you why your contribution to the Foodbank is so important:
Blessed Trinity are supporting the Burnley Together Foodbank. You can donate online:
Or you may leave a cash donation (in a clearly marked envelope) at St John's presbytery or contact David H on 07434 763822 and they will pass them on to the Foodbank via the Blessed Trinity website (above).
Good To Hear!
The sound sytem at Christ the King church, including the Loop System, has been upgraded and is now fully functioning, just in time for public Masses to be reinstated!
Covid-19 Infographics
Here is an interesting and valuable resource in the fight against Covid-19
Just click below, select your preferred language then whatever topic interests you:
How the virus spreads; each link in the chain is a social bubble:
Ladies and Gentlemen: Please Tighten Your Bubbles!
For more InfoGraphics on Covid go to then select your prefered language
Ladies and Gentlemen: Please Tighten Your Bubbles!
COVID - Remember the F A C T S
Lest We Forget...
Today we remember all the young men who fell in the Great War of 1914 - 1918:
To view a list of those from our parish who fell in the Great War, and in some cases learn a little about them, click on the links below:
St Mary's (which in those days covered the area which later became Christ the King Parish) click here
St John's - click here
To learn more about Herbert Gavin who was featured on this page: click here
I wouldn't normally dream of putting anything personal on this website but today I feel compelled to do so. Dreadfully sad to say, following the most awful illness my younger half-brother has just died from Covid 19. His family are devastated.
In all probability he caught Covid from someone who inconsiderately, selfishly, "couldn't be bothered" to obey the rules.
As a result of such behaviour, not only are we all kept under restictions for so much longer as the virus spreads, many more of us are predicted to have an early death.
So, a personal plea to all reading this: Take it serously, obey the rules!
English and Welsh Martyrs
A little reminder from last month that to mark the forthcoming 50th anniversay of the canonisation of 40 Martyrs of Engalnd and Wales by the Pope on 25/10/70, Terry Hephrun has sent us a copy of the programme for the the concelebration of a Mass followed by a torchlight procession from Towneley Hall to the church of St Mary of the Assumption in Burnley held to celebrate the event.
To view this interesting piece of our parish history please click here.
For more information on Hope in the Future stage 3 click the link below to download
"Simply going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."
"Seven prayerless days make one weak"
With thanks to Karen for today's quote. If you have a quote, or a quip, or a saying you'd like to share please do get in touch with us at
Pope Francis – Prayer to Mary for Protection during the COVID–19 Pandemic.
O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain,
with steadfast faith.
You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.
We are certain that you will provide, so that,
as you did at Cana of Galilee,
joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the Father’s will
and to do what Jesus tells us:
He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us,
through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.
We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.
Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test –
and deliver us from every danger,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.
Please pray also for the people of our Parish of the Good Samaritan in Burnley who are suffering from Covid-19 that they may be healed and have a full and speedy recovory.
Seen on a church notice board: "If being a Christian was a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
English and Welsh Martyrs
To mark the forthcoming 50th anniversay of the canonisation of 40 Martyrs of Engalnd and Wales by the Pope on 25/10/70, Terry Hephrun has sent us a copy of the programme for the the concelebration of a Mass followed by a torchlight procession from Towneley Hall to the church of St Mary of the Assumption in Burnley held to celebrate the event.
To view this interesting piece of our parish history please click here.
One of our Live Stream Team is leaving to join the navy – we’ll miss him badly and need to replace him – but we’re not only recruiting one volunteer to join our small team, we’re changing the way we work so we need two people!
If you can help us to live stream Sunday Masses for a couple of hours every other Sunday morning, ie one week in two, then we’d love to hear from you. The job’s not too tricky, full on-the-job training is given and lots of support is available. All you need to begin with is basic computer knowledge.
If you’d like to learn a new skill while at the same time providing an invaluable service to those who are not in a position to attend Mass, contact Mike Morris on 07929 451 566 or email him via
CAFOD have a new page with lots of useful information - to open the page click here and see more
(for future reference, you can access the new CAFOD page from the drop-down menu under 'Home Page')
A very warm welcome to
Fr Damien Louden
who joins our parish today
The Jesuit 5 Finger Examen Prayer
This is a simplified version of the “Examen” prayer inspired by St Ignatius of Loyola. St Ignatius gets us to see that God is in everything each day including all our events and encounters. This prayer uses the fingers of one hand to think of different aspects of the day (or week) that we are reflecting on. This is a perfect spiritual exercise to do at the end of the day. You can take as much time in praying this exercise as you need.
1. The thumb;
First look at your thumb ~ and whenever we use it in the “thumbs up” position, it means that something is good. So let us think about something good that has happened in the day and thank the Lord for it.
2. Index finger
We use this finger for pointing where something is. Let is take time to reflect where Christ has been in our day ~ maybe in our prayer, hearing the Gospel at in the kind or merciful actions we have witnessed In our encounters.
3. Middle finger
Our middle finger is the longest finger so its that one that “stands out”! Reflect on what stands out from the day ~ it might not necessarily be something good ~ it could well be something that happened that was challenging or even difficult.
4. The ring finger
The next finger is the one on which that those who married would wear a wedding ring. The ring is therefore a sign of commitment. On this finger we reflect on how faithful we have been to our Christian commitments to love and serve the Lord and one another. For occasions when we have fallen short of what is asked of us, we ask the Lord’s mercy.
5. The little finger
In the light of all that we have reflected on during this time of prayer, this last and smallest finger asks us to think about what action God is asking us to take in the near future. For example; If on the ring finger we reflected that we had neglected to do something important for another person, then we should consider that as something to prioritise the next day.
Concluding prayer;
Lord, thank you for the fingers of my hand that enable me to do so much that is good. As I reflect upon this day, you have enabled me to reflect on my life in prayer. Help me to see Your hand and Your presence in every aspect of each day. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~ Pray for us
St Joseph ~ Pray for us
St Ignatius of Loyola ~ Pray for us
All holy men and women~ Pray for us
All the Very Best Father Kevin - and thank you
Religious Quiz
Here are the answers to last week's quiz
Thanks again to Geoffrey Taylor & Fr David
1. Which book of the Bible is a collection of 150 songs and poems? Psalms
2. What is the name of the Hindu festival of lights? Diwali or Deepavali
3. Which religious leader’s teaching consisted of four ‘Noble Truths’? Buddha
4. Taoism is an ancient religion which originated in which country? China
5. Cheondoism (or Chondoism) is a religion originating in which historical country? Korea (now divided North & South)
6. Which is the holiest book of Judaism? The Torah
7. The Bahá’í Faith is a religion which originated in which country? Iran
8. At what age does a Jewish boy become a ‘Bar Mitzvah’? Thirteen
9. How many books are there in the protestant Christian Bible? 66
10. How many Popes have been Spanish? Two
11. Name all of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’. Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, & Sloth.
12. The most important Muslim practices are known as the ‘Pillars of Islam’ – how many are there? Five
13. Joseph Smith, Jr. was a religious leader and founder of which religious movement? Mormonism or Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints
14. Who was the Greek god of war? Ares
15. Which is the largest religious structure in the world? Angkor Wat in Burma
16. Which movement, sometimes referred to as a religion, started in Jamaica in the 1930s and worships Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia until 1974? Rastafarianism
17. Who was the founder of Sikhism? Guru Nanak
18. Which four-letter word beginning with ‘H’ is a term used for the yearly Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca? Hajj
19. In which year did just under 400 thousand people state their religion as ‘Jedi’ on their UK census forms? 2001
20. Freddie Mercury and his family were observers of which religion? Zoroastrianism
Well done if you got all 20 right!
Quiz Time
Another chance to look at this week's quiz:
Answers will be posted here on Monday, 20th July.
1. In which country did the poets Shelley and Keats both die?
2. How many tusks does a warthog have?
3. Who wrote “Porgy & Bess”?
4. Which card game has two forms, called auction and contract?
5. In ads, what sign meant Happy Motoring?
6. Who burned his guitar at the Monterey pop festival in 1967.
7. Who preferred “50,000 rifles to 50,000 votes”.
8. Whose fan did Oscar Wilde write about?
9. On which day in 1066 was William the Conqueror crowned?
10. What is the name of the national airline of Spain?
11. Who was Pinocchio’s father?
12. Who composed the opera “The Tales of Hoffman”
13. For what is Frank Lloyd Wright famous?
14. In “Treasure Island”, which sailor dreamed of toasted cheese?
15. Which pop singer’s real name was Mary O’Brien?
16. What is a Mazurka?
17. Who wrote the ‘Inspector Morse’ novels?
18. What term is given to the making of patterns by inlaying different pieces of wood?
19. Which Chocolate bar was supposed to help you Work, Rest & Play?
20. Which city does the snooker player Willie Thorn come from?
With thanks to Geoffrey Taylor for the quiz, thanks too to Fr David for passing it on.
Answers will be posted here on Monday, 20th July. Good luck!
Exposition and Reconciliation at St Mary's
St Mary’s church will be open for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 17th July from 10.30am to 11.30am. During this time the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available in the Sacred Heart Chapel. Please be guided and directed by the stewards.
Quiz Time
1. In which country did the poets Shelley and Keats both die?
2. How many tusks does a warthog have?
3. Who wrote “Porgy & Bess”?
4. Which card game has two forms, called auction and contract?
5. In ads, what sign meant Happy Motoring?
6. Who burned his guitar at the Monterey pop festival in 1967.
7. Who preferred “50,000 rifles to 50,000 votes”.
8. Whose fan did Oscar Wilde write about?
9. On which day in 1066 was William the Conqueror crowned?
10. What is the name of the national airline of Spain?
11. Who was Pinocchio’s father?
12. Who composed the opera “The Tales of Hoffman”
13. For what is Frank Lloyd Wright famous?
14. In “Treasure Island”, which sailor dreamed of toasted cheese?
15. Which pop singer’s real name was Mary O’Brien?
16. What is a Mazurka?
17. Who wrote the ‘Inspector Morse’ novels?
18. What term is given to the making of patterns by inlaying different pieces of wood?
19. Which Chocolate bar was supposed to help you Work, Rest & Play?
20. Which city does the snooker player Willie Thorn come from?
With thanks to Geoffrey Taylor for the quiz, thanks too to Fr David for passing it on.
Answers will be posted here on Monday, 20th July. Good luck!
Here are the answers to last week's Religious Quiz
How many did you get right?
1. Which book of the Bible is a collection of 150 songs and poems? Psalms
2. What is the name of the Hindu festival of lights? Diwali or Deepavali
3. Which religious leader’s teaching consisted of four ‘Noble Truths’? Buddha
4. Taoism is an ancient religion which originated in which country? China
5. Cheondoism (or Chondoism) is a religion originating in which historical country? Korea (now divided North & South)
6. Which is the holiest book of Judaism? The Torah
7. The Bahá’í Faith is a religion which originated in which country? Iran
8. At what age does a Jewish boy become a ‘Bar Mitzvah’? Thirteen
9. How many books are there in the protestant Christian Bible? 66
10. How many Popes have been Spanish? Two
11. Name all of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’. Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, & Sloth
12. The most important Muslim practices are known as the ‘Pillars of Islam’ – how many are there? Five
13. Joseph Smith, Jr. was a religious leader and founder of which religious movement? Mormonism or Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints
14. Who was the Greek god of war? Ares
15. Which is the largest religious structure in the world? Angkor Wat in Burma
16. Which movement, sometimes referred to as a religion, started in Jamaica in the 1930s and worships Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia until 1974? Rastafarianism
17. Who was the founder of Sikhism? Guru Nanak
18. Which four-letter word beginning with ‘H’ is a term used for the yearly Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca? Hajj
19. In which year did just under 400 thousand people state their religion as ‘Jedi’ on their UK census forms? 2001
20. Freddie Mercury and his family were observers of which religion? Zoroastrianism
Thanks again to Fr David for sharing this quiz
If YOU have a quiz to share, please get in touch -
Strung Sung THREE, Live from Burnley
We're afraid this is the last in the series as Luke leaves us today.
Hope you've enjoyed this brief series - here it is:
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your further delight and delectation -
In Music and Song; Fr David (guitar) with seminarian Luke Bradbury (keyboard)
with the second of their musical renditions:
The latest in our occasional series of quizzes come from Fr David -
many thanks to him
Religious Quiz
1. Which book of the Bible is a collection of 150 songs and poems?
2. What is the name of the Hindu festival of lights?
3. Which religious leader’s teaching consisted of four ‘Noble Truths’?
4. Taoism is an ancient religion which originated in which country?
5. Cheondoism (or Chondoism) is a religion originating in which historical country?
6. Which is the holiest book of Judaism?
7. The Bahá’í Faith is a religion which originated in which country?
8. At what age does a Jewish boy become a ‘Bar Mitzvah’?
9. How many books are there in the protestant Christian Bible?
10. How many Popes have been Spanish?
11. Name all of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.
12. The most important Muslim practices are known as the ‘Pillars of Islam’ – how many are there?
13. Joseph Smith, Jr. was a religious leader and founder of which religious movement?
14. Who was the Greek god of war?
15. Which is the largest religious structure in the world?
16. Which movement, sometimes referred to as a religion, started in Jamaica in the 1930s and worships Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia until 1974?
17. Who was the founder of Sikhism?
18. Which four-letter word beginning with ‘H’ is a term used for the yearly Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca?
19. In which year did just under 400 thousand people state their religion as ‘Jedi’ on their UK census forms?
20. Freddie Mercury and his family were observers of which religion?
The answers will be published here in a week's time, Tuesday 30th June.
In the meantime if YOU have a quiz to share, get in touch -
The Wine Quiz Answers
Thanks again to Stephanie of Christ the King community for this quiz
1. Along which river and its tributaries do the German vineyards lie? - Rhine
2. Along which river is most of France’s Sauvignon Blanc cultivated? - Loire
3. Claret wine is produced in the region surrounding which French city? - Bordeaux
4. How are fizzy wines, other than Champagnes, described? - Sparkling
5. How many normal sized bottles of wine would you have in a Methuselah? - Eight
6. In which area of Italy is Chianti Classico produced? - Tuscany
7. In which country is Rioja produced? - Spain
8. In which country is the Marlborough wine region? - New Zealand
9. In which country is the wine-growing Barossa Valley? - Australia
10. In which country is the wine-making area of Stellenbosch? - South Africa
11. In which country was a vine variety called ‘vegetable dragon pearls’? - China
12. In which part of the United States is the Zinfandel grape chiefly cultivated? - California
Once again many thanks Stephanie. If anyone else has an idea for an item please email us on
A short video of readings, hymns & prayers celebrating the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Prepared by Fr David & seminarian Luke Bradbury and featuring them, Fr Kevin & a number of families of our parish.
A very big thanks for all those families who participated in the making of this lovely video. Children appear with the consent of their parents.
Did You Know...?
This website has grown to be pretty large over the last year and there are now many pages. But did you know that wherever you are in the website, a quick way to get back to this Home Page is to simply click on the Good Samaritan Parish logo in the top left-hand corner? And it's not just this website either - this trick works with quite a lot of other sites that have a logo too. Go on, give it a try!
The Wine Quiz
Last week we had the yummy Chocolate Quiz (answers are immediately below this quiz)
This week it's the intoxicatingly good Wine Quiz!
Again, our thanks to parishioner Stephanie Balko for this
1. Along which river and its tributaries do the German vineyards lie?
2. Along which river is most of France’s Sauvignon Blanc cultivated?
3. Claret wine is produced in the region surrounding which French city?
4. How are fizzy wines, other than Champagnes, described?
5. How many normal sized bottles of wine would you have in a Methuselah?
6. In which area of Italy is Chianti Classico produced?
7. In which country is Rioja produced?
8. In which country is the Marlborough wine region?
9. In which country is the wine-growing Barossa Valley?
10. In which country is the wine-making area of Stellenbosch?
11. In which country was a vine variety called ‘vegetable dragon pearls’?
12. In which part of the United States is the Zinfandel grape chiefly cultivated?
Good luck with the quiz - the answers will be posted here next Tuesday, 16th June
The Chocolate Quiz - with Answers
How many did you get?
1. A well-loved cuddly toy might go to one of these - Picnic
2. An upper class address - Quality Street
3. A Triangular prism - Toblerone
4. Fasteners - Buttons
5. To spin round and round - Twirl
6. Tricks in the dark - Black Magic
7. A feline with the latest gear - KitKat
8. Nine - After Eight Mints
9. Useless for carrying anything – Chocolate Fingers
10. Sounds like a quiet voice - Wispa
11. Two minus zero plus nine - Twix
12. The King of the Jungle might have a tipple here - Lion Bar
13. Clever people - Smarties
14. Red v White at war - Roses
15. A subject - Topic
16. Rebellion at sea on this ship - Bounty
17. Plop a stone into a pond to make one - Ripple
18. I’m forever blowing bubbles - Aero
19. Chocolate marbles - Maltesers
20. Rhymes twice with early - Curly Wurly
21. Street that can melt in your hand - Treets
22. Not made of snow as expected – Flake
23. No silver - All Gold
24. Fodder mixed for children - Freddo
25. Two tiered transport - Double Decker
26. Scrambled boots is a tonic - Boost
27. Brave people – Heroes
28. You’ll go a long way for this one - Mars
29. Internet dating sites - Matchmakers
30. From Eboracum - Yorkie
31. Festive occasions - Celebrations
32. Old Singers and musicians - Minstrels
33. With fruity segments - Chocolate Orange
34. A cluster of stars - Milky Way
The Chocolate Quiz
Here's a reminder of last week's quiz
The answers will be posted here a little after Mass tomorrow, together with this week's quiz.
1. A well-loved cuddly toy might go to one of these
2. An upper class address
3. A Triangular prism
4. Fasteners
5. To spin round and round
6. Tricks in the dark
7. A feline with the latest gear
8. Nine
9. Useless for carrying anything
10. Sounds like a quiet voice
11. Two minus zero plus nine
12. The King of the Jungle might have a tipple here
13. Clever people
14. Red v White at war
15. A subject
16. Rebellion at sea on this ship
17. Plop a stone into a pond to make one
18. I’m forever blowing bubbles
19. Chocolate marbles
20. Rhymes twice with early
21. Street that can melt in your hand
22. Not made of snow as expected
23. No silver
24. Fodder mixed for children
25. Two tiered transport
26. Scrambled boots is a tonic
27. Brave people
28. You’ll go a long way for this one
29. Internet dating sites
30. From Eboracum
31. Festive occasions
32. Old Singers and musicians
33. With fruity segments
34. A cluster of stars
08/06/2020 all those parishioners from all three of our churches who kindly gave us such valuable feedback and helped us improve our live streaming of Masses over the last few weeks!
Strung Sung TWO, Live from Burnley
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your further delight and delectation -
In Music and Song; Fr David (guitar) with seminarian Luke Bradbury (keyboard)
with the second of their musical renditions:
Family service video for the Feast of Corpus Christi
Luke Bradbury and Fr David would like to put together a video for families and involving families in order to mark the forthcoming Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ). This is the feast whereby we celebrate the great gift to the Church of the Eucharist. If any families would like to take part in this service, please contact Fr David by Friday 5th June. We will let you know how you can specifically get involved when you get in touch. Thank you. Tel 422007 or email;
The Chocolate Quiz
Here is a delicious quiz for you to enjoy, the first in a short series of two.
Guaranteed non-fattening - have a go!
The answers, and a new quiz, will be posted in a week's time, on Tuesday 9th June.
1. A well-loved cuddly toy might go to one of these
2. An upper class address
3. A Triangular prism
4. Fasteners
5. To spin round and round
6. Tricks in the dark
7. A feline with the latest gear
8. Nine
9. Useless for carrying anything
10. Sounds like a quiet voice
11. Two minus zero plus nine
12. The King of the Jungle might have a tipple here
13. Clever people
14. Red v White at war
15. A subject
16. Rebellion at sea on this ship
17. Plop a stone into a pond to make one
18. I’m forever blowing bubbles
19. Chocolate marbles
20. Rhymes twice with early
21. Street that can melt in your hand
22. Not made of snow as expected
23. No silver
24. Fodder mixed for children
25. Two tiered transport
26. Scrambled boots is a tonic
27. Brave people
28. You’ll go a long way for this one
29. Internet dating sites
30. From Eboracum
31. Festive occasions
32. Old Singers and musicians
33. With fruity segments
34. A cluster of stars
With thanks to parishioner Stephanie Balko
Prayer Petals
What a Good Idea – Protect Our Priests!
We know that even in these lockdown days, people often have busy lives but please take just 5 minutes of your day to watch this video from Sister Emmanuel (click here).
As she says, priests are often subject to spiritual battle. But our priests are precious and need the protection of our prayers. In this parish we have four priests who we see regularly, (in alphabetical order) Fathers Benneth, David, Emmanuel & Kevin, plus two others you may not know so well but who help out from time to time, Fr Jennings & Mgr Challoner, so that’s six in all who need our prayers.
If by now you've watched the video you may wish to make a prayer flower by joining with others, maybe some others in your parish group such as the Legion of Mary, SVP, etc, or maybe you can call on six friends, perhaps fellow parishioners, with whom you can join in prayer as the video suggests.
On the other hand, if you nearly have a full flower but are maybe seeking another petal or two, or perhaps you’re looking for a prayer flower to join, email
When you're ready, choose a priest to pray for, maybe one who celebrates Mass at your church, or one of the above priests chosen at random, or perhaps pray for all 6 as a group.
Finally, if you'd find it useful to download an A4 sized copy of the blank prayer flower above on the left, please click here
(With grateful thanks to parishioner Veronica Gonzalez for bringing the video to our attention and suggesting this article)
We are very pleased to publish some delightful prayers from our youngest-ever contributors, Imogen & Reuben (with mum Lisa's permission).
To view, click here. Enjoy!
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Today it is Frank's welcome contribution.
My 5 reasons to be cheerful are:-
- So much unseasonal sunshine.
- People smiling because you are deliberately avoiding them.
- The fresh green of the springtime trees.
- Towneley Park.
- Unexpected meetings and chats.
Many thanks Frank for your contribution!
We love hearing your contributions so if you too would like to help cheer us up with your contribution, please email
Web Site Story...
Since its beginnings a little over a year ago, our parish website has steadily grown and is updated regularly by a small team of dedicated volunteers, several from each of our 3 churches. During lockdown our remit has extended to cover live streaming of Sunday Mass, all the while increasing the number of items posted to the website on a daily basis.
For example, during these days of isolation we post Fr David's daily Thought For The Day and other regular items have included the Blessed Trinity College weekly readings video, as well as the Lord’s Day At Home Sunday prayer sheets, to name but a few. As ever, the weekly newsletter is a very popular feature, especially welcome as we cannot attend Mass right now.
As you might expect, during the crisis our ‘readership’ has also grown considerably, especially on a Sunday. Statistics are collected completely anonymously and interestingly last Sunday, May 10th we had 410 visitors who between them viewed a record 2,157 web pages. Most of our visitors came from Burnley of course but people from all parts of the country and abroad have visited the site, many on a regular basis, and many of them take the opportunity to view the Mass live.
It’s gratifying and encouraging for those of us who maintain the website week in, week out, to know that we are providing a vehicle for Fr David & others to continue to communicate to the parish and beyond during these troubled times. Finally, thank you to those who have sent messages expressing appreciation of the website and the live streaming of Masses – we are very grateful for your kind thoughts and take encouragement to continue.
Parishioner and D-Day hero Tom Edmondson featured in a brilliant appearance on the BBC 1 VE Day celebration programme on Friday 8th May. He and Cecilia had a very warm congratulatory chat with David Dimbleby, when the full extent of Tom’s brave war service was outlined and emphasised with his great medal collection – topped off with the illustrious Legion D’Honneur, France’s very top military award. It was a lovely cameo about a very modest hero, an unsung hero until now, who recently celebrated his 100th Birthday! The feature finished with a personal rendition of 'Happy Birthday to You’ sung by Alfie Boe no less! And we're given to understand that the birthday cake was sent by the BBC - a nice touch! Well done Tom, thank you for your contribution to our freedom, and Happy Birthday. We’re all proud to know you!
Watch it on BBC iPlayer for the programme 'VE Day 75 - The People's Celebration'. Tom and Cecilia's chat with David Dimbleby starts 21 minutes and 43 seconds into the video. Go to (we think it's only available until about Sun 7th June 2020 - but do check)
Also, Tom & Cecilia's son John has sent in a few photos taken down the years in celebration of their long life together - to see them Click Here
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Today it is Frank's welcome contribution.
My 5 reasons to be cheerful are:-
- My wife of 50 years.
- The weekly Zoom hour with the whole "clan"!
- Our kids frequently phoning to make sure we are OK.
- Chats with our kids and grandchildren from the front door to the end of the drive.
- Our kids telling their kids "Keep away from Grandad".
Many thanks Frank for your contribution!
We love hearing your contributions so if you too would like to help cheer us up with your contribution, please email
Strung Sung, Live from Burnley
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your delight and delectation -
In Music and Song; Fr David (guitar) with seminarian Luke (keyboard)
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Today it is David Ross' welcome contribution.
My 5 reasons to be cheerful are:-
A friend made me a fasemask (though I look more fearful than cheerful wearing it!).
The beautiful weather on Saturday out on my bike.
Mary dressed very smartly on her 94th birthday and delivered wrapped slices of her cake around our neighbourhood.
From a distance, the delight of seeing one grandchild, and some friends' children. How they have grown in six weeks!
My hair is becoming curly again, like when I was little.
Many thanks David for your contribution!
If you too would like to help cheer us up with your contribution, please email
It’s Been a Strange Year So Far…
… and today Bank Holiday Monday falls on a Friday! But as the nation celebrates the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, maybe we can pause for a moment to give Him thanks for 75 years of peace in Western Europe, and to reflect on & remember the sacrifices that made that possible. Even amidst the pain & hardship we can have something to be glad for.
Supporting Our Parish Financially
It’s fully recognised that some people will now be in a worse financial position and less able to give at the moment, though others less financially effected have asked how they might contribute to the weekly offertory collection now that churches are closed?
This is a diocese-wide problem as parishes have seen their income drastically reduced and so the diocese has set up a web page where you may donate to your local parish if you are in a position to do so.
It’s planned that some time next week you would be able to fill in a Standing Order to the parish. Although that option is not available yet (and we’ll let you know when it is) you can still make a single contribution by going to
Click on the ‘Make a Donation’ button near the bottom of the page, towards the bottom of the next page enter "The Good Samaritan, Burnley" and follow the instructions from there (don't forget to Gift Aid It if you can). Note that for legal reasons the Cathedral Centre address is given but the diocese will transfer any money you donate to The Good Samaritan Parish, Burnley.
Thank you in advance if you are in a position to help.
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Today it is Margaret Orrell's welcome contribution.
My 5 reasons to be cheerful are:-
1. Being able to keep in touch with my family on the internet.
2. Appreciate my family and friends and what I have.
3. My faith.
4. Being able to watch the live streaming of Mass with Fr David each Sunday.
5. Appreciate my church friends.
Many thanks Margaret for your contribution. If you too would like to help cheer us up with your contribution, please email
During the present situation we've been putting on this page items about relevant information & announcements, help offered and donations requested. As more items are added daily, these important notices 'slip down' the page & are in danger of getting lost. You may find it helpful to know that we are now also placing these relevant COVID-ralated items & their links on the Links Page where you might find them again more easily - just click on the word 'Links' on the blue menu bar above.
Here is a link to a letter from the Archbishops of England and Wales, in which they recognise the pain of Catholics who cannot pray in church or receive the sacraments but the archbishops add that they are in discussion with the Government about how they might re-open churches once the lockdown is eased. That is probably quite some way off yet but, to paraphrase something from our own Bishop John, it does give us hope for the future! Please click on the link below:
From Rebecca Wilkinson of Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic College, who produces the videos of the wonderful readings we publish here weekly:
We have been trying to decide for a while how best to support the local community during this crisis, given that many families (now more than ever) will be in desperate need of help. With this in mind, we have teamed up with Burnley Food Bank, who have seen quadruple the number of people (now stands at over 2000 per week!) coming to them for help and support.
As you know, these are tough times for us all, and for some, everyday life could be made near impossible if it wasn't for the amazing work of charities like this. So please, donate if you can, spread the word to those around you and support us in our efforts to help those most in need in our local community.
Thank you,
Miss R Wilkinson
(Faith Life Coordinator, Blessed Trinity R.C College)
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Today it's David Ross' welcome contribution:
As requested, here's 5 that cheer me:
1. Childrens' rainbow pictures in house windows
2. The bluebells in Goit and Scroggs woods
3. All the hilarious, silly, and moving videos from friends and family on WhatsApp
4. Noticing that my brain is still working
5. Sainsbury's not running out of my vegan dark chocolate
P.S. 4 and 5 are inseparable
Many thanks David. If you too would like to help cheer us up with your contribution, please email
(please note the change of email address)
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Janet Beddows writes, my reasons to be cheerful are:
Family & grandchildren
Staying safe and healthy
My husband Kevin
Walking our dog
Having my faith
Many thanks Janet! To add your Reasons to be Cheerful please email
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Rosie Balwin writes: "I've just asked Connie and Gabriel this question. Here are their responses - "
Gabriel aged 7:
1. I'm alive
2. Mummy, Daddy, Fran and Connie
3. Playing in my den in the back garden
4. Jesus
5. NHS and my teacher Mrs Neill
Connie aged 12:
1. Family
2. Cooking
3. WhatsApping my friends
4. Sunshine
5. Netflix
Rosie Baldwin
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
This has just been sent in by Sarah McLaughlin:
Seamus McLaughlin’s reasons to be cheerful:
1) Walking our dog Rosie
2) Daily mass at Knock Shrine
3) My wife, Maureen
4) Gardening
5) Irish music
6) Telling jokes
Many thanks Sarah & Seamus. Anyone else like to contribute?
Reasons To Be Cheerful...
Parishioner Tony Waters, who many of you may know from St Mary’s, has contacted us with a brilliant idea – in the current climate, why not have a series of items on reasons to be cheerful? … we reckon that anything that lightens up some of the doom & gloom has got to be good!
Tony starts the ball rolling with his top 5 suggestions (and asks other parishioners for theirs):
1. Our Lady
2. The NHS
3. Grandchildren
4. Ice Cream
5. Songs of Praise on the telly
What would YOUR top 5 Reasons to be Cheerful be?
Just email us with your suggestions at
Last Sunday's newsletter dated 26/4/20 featured an item on a really interesting local project, Burnley Together. We've been asked to point out that in fact the service is open 7 days a week.
Well worth taking a look at the item, second page of the newsletter.
Fr David's Got Talent - From Sermons to Serenades!
At the end of Easter Sunday Mass, Fr David encouraged us to do something we particularly enjoy doing that day. Fr David himself enjoys singing and playing the guitar and so, leading by example, on Easter Sunday afternoon he recorded himself doing just that, playing & singing some of his favourite songs!
We hope you enjoy!
For those of you who have lost track of time since the lockdown began, today is the 97th of March :-)
Holy Week and Easter Quiz from Fr David - see the questions & answers!
(for the answers, follow the link at the top of the questions page)
Don't forget!
Holy Week and Easter Quiz from Fr David - how many can you get right?
Answers will appear here on Easter Sunday, about an hour after Mass
Palm Sunday, 5/4/20:
In keeping with the 'Beautiful Idea for Palm Sunday' item below (see entry dated 1/4/20), this is how the front door at St Mary's prebytery is looking right now:
The St John's Flower Ladies had better look to their laurels (pun intended!)
PS after witing that, I've been severely admonished - it WAS the St John's Flower Ladies who did it, and donated it to St Mary's!! So that's me put in my place then :-)
Here's a link to Holy Week at Home - adaptations of the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday Rituals for Family and Household Prayer.
In the absence of public worship we hope you find it useful.
The Angelus
Leader: The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary
R: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit
“Hail Mary…”
Leader: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R: Be it done unto me according to thy Word.
“Hail Mary…”
Leader: And the Word was made Flesh.
R: And dwelt amongst us.
“Hail Mary…”
Leader: Pray for us, Most Holy Mother of God.
R: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Leader: Let us Pray.
Pour forth, we beseech you O Lord, Thy grace unto our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord.
R: Amen.
As I post this it's only lunchtime and, no joke, it's been a busy day already! See below:
Holy Week and Easter Quiz from Fr David - how many can you get right?
Dominic Aunger sent this in for the website & newsletter via Fr David:
"We have been sharing jokes, prayers and ideas for coping in the “lockdown” situation. We saw this & wondered if we could share it with the rest of the parish through the newsletter or website. It regards attaching a green branch of any sort to one’s front door to visually celebrate Palm Sunday, see the link below."
Dominic concludes by saying, "Please God we’ll all safely come through this pandemic stronger, kinder and more faithful to the Lord’s mission."
Just had this in too - click on the message:
Bishop John has recorded a message for all clergy,
religious and parish volunteers which you can find here.
Many thanks to Mick Armfield for bringing this to our attention:
The Burnley Community Hub has been set up by Burnley Council and other partner organisations to help the most vulnerable in our community who may be facing difficulties as a result of Covid 19.
There may be some of our older/sick or single Parishioners who may be struggling for whatever reason who could benefit from the services they aim to provide.
For more information for you access to further information is available at
On the other hand, if you want to volutneer they would be glad to hear from you...
If you have any news or thoughts you'd like to share, or some words of hope and encouragement in these difficult times, please send them to us via
Thank you - we hope to hear from you soon.
Lovely readings for Sunday 29th March; please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church, and our own Parish of the Good Samaritan. Click on the link below:
A Cheerful, Hopeful Message -
sent by Barbara Grime
My cousin sent this to me. It is supposed to be from Pope Francis. Whether it is or not, I think it is worth sharing!
So beautiful. Tonight before falling asleep, think about when we will return to the street.
When we hug again, when all the shopping together will seem like a party.
Let's think about when the coffees will return to the bar, the small talk, the photos close to each other.
We think about when it will all be a memory, but normalcy will seem an unexpected and beautiful gift.
We will love everything that has so far seemed futile to us. Every second will be precious.
Swims at the sea, the sun until late, sunsets, toasts, laughter.
We will go back to laughing together.
Strength and courage. See you soon.
Papa Francesco
In case you were unable to watch the Pope's live Urbi et Orbi broadcast, here's a link to the full text of his meditation:
We received this splendid idea from Mick Armfield of Burnley Catenians:
Just an idea. The Government have rightly asked us to thoroughly wash our hands, on a regular basis, for a period of around 20 seconds. Rather than sing 'Happy Birthday to you' twice, as suggested, why not say the Lord's Prayer which also takes approximately 20 seconds to recite.
Pope Francis has made a statement this morning (23/3/20) at Mass.....
Reconciliation for Easter
“I know that many of you go to confession before Easter … many will say to me: ‘But Father ….. I cannot leave the house and I want to make my peace with the Lord. I want Him to embrace me ….. How can I do that unless I find a priest?’ Do what the catechism says. It is very clear. If you don’t find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He is your Father. Tell Him the truth: ‘Lord, I did this and this and this. Pardon me.’ Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, ‘afterward I will go to confession.’ You will return to God’s grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the catechism teaches us, to God’s forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.”
We aim to provide a video of each Sunday's Mass celebrated at St Mary's, Burnley, for the duration.
Click on "View Mass" on the menu bar above to watch this week-end's Mass, celebrated by Fr David.
19/3/20 (since updated):
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
News Updates, Further Information & Links
Latest update: 22/3/20
If you are housebound or self-isolating at this time, please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church, and your own Parish, this Sunday, either by yourself or with your family. Click on the link below to download a PDF file.
Link 20/3/20 - Further resources for you:
Even more Parish News in our latest Newsletter, 22/3/20: Click here.
Public Masses Closed
The following announcement has been made by the Catholic Archbishops of England and Wales:
Here are some links to relevant announcements on the Salford Diocesan website:
Three Churches
Three Communities
Serving One Lord.
Welcome to the website for the brand-new Parish of The Good Samaritan, Burnley, incorporating the churches of Christ the King, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption. Each of the three churches has its own special character, comprised of, and helping meet the needs of, its own community. We are part of the Diocese of Salford. The parish covers a wide area, encompassing Central Burnley and the semi rural areas of Worsthorne and Cliviger. The oldest church is St Mary's, which has a long history dating back to the nineteenth century, the current church being opened in 1849. St John's church opened in 1881 and the youngster of the three, Christ the King, came into being in 1936. Together the three make a rich and vibrant community, working together to celebrate our Catholic faith and put our relationship with Jesus Christ into action by sharing together in many different ways.
I am delighted at our new three church, one parish website and I trust you will find it easy to move around the site and hopefully find it to be a big help to you. Like all new ventures, a lot of hard work has gone into this new project by a small but dedicated team, to whom I am very grateful. I am also grateful that they have pledged to ensure our web site is kept current and updated regularly, which of course is so imperative. I must also give thanks to the many parishioners who contributed articles large and small for the website – without their articles the website would have little to show our visitors so a big thank you to them!
As well as the team of those involved in running and contributing to the website, there is also a team of clergy who serve the three churches by also working together. In addition to myself, as the Parish Priest based at St Mary’s, there is also Fr Kevin Tierney who is the Assistant Priest, also resident at St Mary’s. The rest of the team comprises Fr Emmanuel Ugwuoke and Fr Benneth Okonkwo, who are Vincentian priests, resident at St John the Baptist presbytery. We meet regularly in order to ensure that things run smoothly.
Much work and thought had gone into the idea of bringing our three parishes together as one, as part of Bishop John’s plan for the reorganisation of all the parishes in the Diocese of Salford published in early 2017. When I arrived in Burnley in July 2018 to begin my role in bringing the three parishes together, I spoke in each of the three churches of the need to move forward at the right pace in order to ensure that everyone is on board with us. I used the phrase: “Festina Lente”, which means “make haste, slowly”. I genuinely feel with this website, our recently launched joint three church Newsletter, as well as many of the other ways that we are finding to collaborate and work together, are all signs that we are making progress, without rushing.
Despite all the responsibilities, I genuinely love being in Burnley; the people here are really appreciative of what we are trying to do and I speak for the clergy team in saying how supported we each feel by the people we serve. There are a lot of very good things going on in each of our three churches, and a good many new things that we are keen to establish as we go forward. Thank you for your interest in our parish communities and please enjoy your visit to this website.
Fr David
Quick Guide
Mass Times: Christ the King | St Mary's | St John's | All Three Churches
Find Us: Christ the King | St Mary's | St John's
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