Sacrament of Holy Orders
"Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time; thus it is the Sacrament of Apostolic Ministry. It includes three degrees, Bishop, Priest and Deacon.
Integration into one of these bodies in the Church was accomplished by a rite called Ordination, a religious and liturgical act which is a consecration, blessing and a sacrament" (Catechism 1538)
We are reminded that within the People of God, there are those who are called to serve the Body of Christ as Bishops, Priests and Deacons. At the heart of this ministry of service is the call to seek and promote the gift of harmony, so that our main calling to be Ambassadors for Christ, is realised each and every day.
If you feel called by God to the ministerial priesthood, please contact the Vocation Director
on 0161 794 2825
Please pray for vocations, especially for those training in the Seminary.
Please check the newsletter to find when the Vocations Prayer Group meets.