Logo 3 120

The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley

including the churches of

Christ the King with St Teresa's, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption


Caption220 3




250216 6thSunOrdC P1250216 6thSunOrdC P2250216 6thSunOrdC P3250216 6thSunOrdC P4

250209 5thSunOrd P1250209 5thSunOrd P2250209 5thSunOrd P3250209 5thSunOrd P4

250202 PresentationOfTheLordC P1250202 PresentationOfTheLordC P2250202 PresentationOfTheLordC P3250202 PresentationOfTheLordC P4

3rdSunOrdC P13rdSunOrdC P23rdSunOrdC P3

250119 2ndSunOrdC P1250119 2ndSunOrdC P2250119 2ndSunOrdC P3

250112 BaptismOfTheLordC P1250112 BaptismOfTheLordC P2250112 BaptismOfTheLordC P3

250105 EpiphanyC P1250105 EpiphanyC P2250105 EpiphanyC P3

241229 HolyFamilyC P1241229 HolyFamilyC P2241229 HolyFamilyC P3241222 4thSunAdvent P1241222 4thSunAdvent P2241222 4thSunAdvent P3241222 4thSunAdvent P4

241215 3rdSunAdventC P1 1241215 3rdSunAdventC P3241215 3rdSunAdventC P2 1241215 3rdSunAdventC P4

241208 2ndSunAdventC P1241208 2ndSunAdventC P2241208 2ndSunAdventC P3241208 2ndSunAdventC P4

241201 1stSunAdventC P1241201 1stSunAdventC P2241201 1stSunAdventC P3241201 1stSunAdventC P4241127 ChristTheKingB P1241127 ChristTheKingB P2241127 ChristTheKingB P3241127 ChristTheKingB P4


241117 33rdSunOrdB P1241117 33rdSunOrdB P2241117 33rdSunOrdB P3241117 33rdSunOrdB P4


241110 32ndSunOrdB P1241110 32ndSunOrdB P2241110 32ndSunOrdB P3241110 32ndSunOrdB P4


241103 31stSunOrdB P1241103 31stSunOrdB P2 1241103 31stSunOrdB P3241103 31stSunOrdB P4


241027 30thSunOrdB P1241027 30thSunOrdB P2241027 30thSunOrdB P3241027 30thSunOrdB P4



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