Archive of Previous Links:
COVID-19 Related Links
In this section:
Here is a link to a letter from the Archbishops of England and Wales, in which they recognise the pain of Catholics who cannot pray in church or receive the sacraments but the archbishops add that they are in discussion with the Government about how they might re-open churches once the lockdown is eased. That is probably quite some way off yet but, to paraphrase something from our own Bishop John, it does give us hope for the future! Please click on the link below:
This from Bishop John:
Bishop John has recorded a message for all clergy,
religious and parish volunteers which you can find here.
Pope Francis has made a statement this morning (23/3/20) at Mass.....
Reconciliation for Easter
“I know that many of you go to confession before Easter … many will say to me: ‘But Father ….. I cannot leave the house and I want to make my peace with the Lord. I want Him to embrace me ….. How can I do that unless I find a priest?’ Do what the catechism says. It is very clear. If you don’t find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He is your Father. Tell Him the truth: ‘Lord, I did this and this and this. Pardon me.’ Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, ‘afterward I will go to confession.’ You will return to God’s grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the catechism teaches us, to God’s forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.”
Further resources for parishioners:
Here are some links to relevant announcements on the Salford Diocesan website:
18/3/20 - the first announcement:
Public Masses Closed
The following announcement has been made by the Catholic Archbishops of England and Wales:
"...following official advice and in order to keep each other safe, save lives and support the NHS, at this time we must not gather for public acts of worship in our churches. This will begin from Friday evening, 20th March 2020, until further notice.
Help Offered:
Help Available
A Sum of £10,000 is available until the end of September from which one-off payments of up to £400 per family can be made to provide immediate relief to families and individuals in crisis. (NB: it cannot be used directly to pay utility bills rent or debts). For further information on the criteria, or to apply, please go to:
Many thanks to Mick Armfield for bringing this to our attention:
The Burnley Community Hub has been set up by Burnley Council and other partner organisations to help the most vulnerable in our community who may be facing difficulties as a result of Covid 19.
There may be some of our older/sick or single Parishioners who may be struggling for whatever reason who could benefit from the services they aim to provide.
For more information for you access to further information is available at
On the other hand, if you want to volutneer they would be glad to hear from you...
Help/Donations Wanted:
Good Samaritan CAFOD Coronavirus Appeal
Our local branch of CAFOD has set up a “Good Samaritan CAFOD Coronavirus Appeal” JustGiving page, allowing people to donate online direct to CAFOD as we’re unable to hold the usual after-Mass collections. Please click below to give:
Also, the current online CAFOD Coronavirus Campaign is asking us out of love for our sisters and brothers overseas to sign a petition asking the Prime Minister to ensure that the most vulnerable people are the priority in the UK’s international efforts as well as at home:
Thank you.
From Rebecca Wilkinson of Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic College, who produces the videos of the wonderful readings we publish here weekly:
We have been trying to decide for a while how best to support the local community during this crisis, given that many families (now more than ever) will be in desperate need of help. With this in mind, we have teamed up with Burnley Food Bank, who have seen quadruple the number of people (now stands at over 2000 per week!) coming to them for help and support.
As you know, these are tough times for us all, and for some, everyday life could be made near impossible if it wasn't for the amazing work of charities like this. So please, donate if you can, spread the word to those around you and support us in our efforts to help those most in need in our local community.
Thank you,
Miss R Wilkinson
(Faith Life Coordinator, Blessed Trinity R.C College)
Parishioner Matthew Morris, a former pupil of St Theodore's, is 3D printing PPE for NHS & Care Home staff. He's part of a national initiative and sends the completed visors off to a regional distribution centre in Liverpool. Even though he's not in work at present, he's been funding the materials etc out of his own pocket but could do with some assistance if he's to continue. His sister Catherine has started a crowdfunding page to help him. Pictured on the page is his beautiful son age 3 (who gets his good looks from his paternal grandfather :-) ) modelling one of the visors Matt has printed off. Please click on the link below & give if you can. Every little helps in this difficult time. Thank you.