On a Saturday in July a small, but dedicated group of walkers, from the parish of The Good Samaritan in Burnley completed a memorial walk of 4.5 miles along the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. The walk raised an amazing £660 for the work of CAFOD around the world.
Twelve parishioners walked from Barden Lane to Junction 12 of the M65 in Brierfield along the canal and returned via the same route. The group were made up of people from the three churches of St Mary’s, St John the Baptist’s and Christ-the-King in Burnley, which now make up the newly formed parish of The Good Samaritan.
For over 35 years, the three churches of East Burnley have generously supported the work of CAFOD in the developing world. St John’s has had a CAFOD group who have met regularly over all those years, and of course as time has passed many group members and supporters have gone to the Lord. Therefore, the group members decided to mark the passing of all these wonderful people by having a “Memorial Sponsored Walk”. Parishioners were asked if they would like to make a donation towards CAFOD’s work in memory of a family member or friend who had been involved in or supported our work. Along with their donation they were to able add the names of their deceased family or friends to a memorial list or place the names within the donation envelope. All these names of loved ones were remembered at various points along the route.
During the walk, around 60 individual and four family names were read out and prayers offered up for them. It was decided that the money raised would be spent on the following items from CAFOD’s World Gifts catalogue/project: 10 trees for life (£8 x 10); 11 queen bees (£4 x 11); 2 batches of chirpy chickens (£20 x 2); 2 life-saving goats (£28 x 2); 10 supplies of water for a family (£33 x 10); 2 vegetable gardens (£10 x 2); 2 batches of wonderful worms (£10 x 2); 10 mosquito nets that protect (£7 x 10). All these wonderful ethical gifts added up to £660.
After the walk Anne Marie Coppock, a founding member of the parish CAFOD group, commented:
“On behalf of the entire CAFOD group I just wish to thank everyone for their amazing generosity. The money raised has purchased all these fantastic “gifts” for individual families, which will help to ensure they are able to feed themselves, have a better quality of life and be able to earn a small income. CAFOD’s work is about helping people to lift themselves out of poverty by their own efforts and with our support. All these “gifts” are sourced locally and are fit for purpose and local conditions. They will be allocated to those in greatest need, across Latin America, Africa and Asia, with the support of CAFOD partners on the ground, often through the Caritas International Network, of which CAFOD is a member.”
Pope Francis is encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray for our ‘common home’. It is inspired by the encyclical Laudato Si, which calls on ‘every person living on this planet’ to care for our shared earth.
In response to this call the Cafod group of our newly formed Parish of the Good Samaritan are organising a prayer Vigil at 7.00pm on TUESDAY 17th SEPTEMBER at ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. Everyone is very welcome.
During the Vigil, led by our parish Priest, there will be a short Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This is our opportunity, as Stewards of the Earth, to pray for the promotion of living simply, living sustainably and in solidarity of the poor.
Do please join us. Tea and coffee will be served in the Parish Hall after the Vigil.
Please notice our meetings are cancelled during this time of the Covid-19 emergency. Please see details of CAFOD's responce in the "Home Page" dropdown menu.
13 July 2019
Burnley father and daughter call for climate action at historic London gathering of MPs and constituents
Father and daughter campaigners from Burnley and Barrowford travelled to London on 26 June to call on their local MP, Julie Cooper, to demand climate action at a historic mass lobby of Parliament.
Dominic Aunger and his 16-year-old daughter, Madeleine, joined over 12,000 other campaigners outside parliament to show their concern for the need to act to protect our common home
Information from Salford Diocese