Private Richard Casey
Service Number: 235246
2nd Bn. Suffolk Regiment
Killed in Action 21st August 1918, aged 27
Son of James & Sarah Casey
Husband of Margaret Casey, 113 Grey Street, Burnley
From the Burnley Express dated 14th September 1918: A Sniper's Bullet
Pte. Richard Casey (27) 235246 Suffolk Regt., 113 Grey Street, Burnley was killed in action on August 21st. He enlisted on May 26th 1915, and at Christmas of that year was drafted abroad. About a year ago he was gassed, and in July of this year he was wounded. A married man, he leaves a widow and two children. Before joining the Army he worked at the New Hall Spinning Mill. He was connected with St Margaret's Church. His brother, who is now at Scarborough has been gassed, and a cousin, James Sculley has been killed. Mrs. Casey has three brothers on active service, and another is a prisoner of war in Germany. She has received the following letter from Sec-Lieut. F. Bailey :- "Dear Madam -- It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that your husband was killed in action during the operations of 21st August. He was hit by a sniper's bullet in the stomach, and died immediately. His loss is greatly felt".
Commemorated in Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux: VI. I. 14