Private Archie Hough
Service Number: 240415
11th Bn. East Lancashire Regiment
Died 28th June 1918, aged 24
Son of George & Ellen Hough, 27 Cuthbert Street, Burnley
From the Burnley Express dated 20th July 1918: A DARDANELLES MAN
Pte. Archie Hough (24), 240415 East Lancashires, son of Mrs Hough 27 St. Cuthbert Street, Burnley, died from wounds in a casualty clearing station on June 28th. He enisted on August 6th 1914, and subsequently fought in the Dardanelles Campaign, from which he emerged scathless. Before the war he was a weaver at Thornton & Tattersall's Rake Head Mill. He was attached to St. John's R. C. Church, Ivy Street, where he served as a bugler in the Boy's Brigade. His brother, Signaller David Hough, also of the East Lancashires, is now on active service. A Catholic Chaplain wrote to Mrs Hough as follows:- "Your son Archie was brought into the Field Hospital yesterday, seriously wounded, and his condition was so critical that we had no hopes of his recovery. As a Priest I did all I could for him administering the last Sacraments, which he received with great fervour and piety. I am deeply grieved to say that a few hours later the poor boy died, very gently and peacefully. Though his wound was a mortal one, yet he did not suffer great pain. He was very gentle and patient".
Buried in Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, France: V. C. 10