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The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley

including the churches of

Christ the King with St Teresa's, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption


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Corporal Francis J McKenna

Service Number: 9230

11th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers

Died of Wounds 17th May 1916, aged 32

Husband of Emma McKenna, 7 Calder Vale Road, Burnley




From the Burnley News 24th June 1916:  BURNLEY SOLDIER KILLED

Mrs. M'Kenna of 7 Calder Vale Road, Burnley, has received news that her husband, Corporal F. M'Kenna, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, has died from wounds.  On the very day of his death she also received from him a photo taken outside his billet.  Corporal M'Kenna was the grandson of Sergeant Major Coliffe of the 17th (Leicester) Regiment, who died from wounds received in the Crimea.


Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, France: I. B. 50