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The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley

including the churches of

Christ the King with St Teresa's, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption


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Private Thomas Fitzpatrick.

39286 3rd East Lancashire Regiment.

Died of pneumonia 16th January 1918, aged 34.


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Thomas was born 25th Oct  1883, Burnley. The son of Michael Fitzpatrick and Mary Hartley. In the 1891 census the family lived at 54 Temple St, Burnley. Michael 39 weaver, born in Clare Ireland, Mary 38 born in Colne, Ellen 15 cotton winder, John 12 weaver, Henry 10, Thomas 8, Hartley 5 and William 2 all born in Burnley

Thomas married Ann Shanley in the Sept. quarter 1908, Burnley.

In the 1911 census Thomas 27, cycle and sports Dealer’s assistant , Ann 29 born Brandon Colliery, Durham, sons James Allen 1 and Thomas 3 months were living at 30 Prescott St, Burnley.


From the Burnley Express dated 18th Jan 1918: DIED WHILST ON LEAVE.

the death took place on Wednesday, at his home 30 Prescott Street Burnley, of private Thomas Fitzpatrick who had only been in the army 3 months.  He was in training with the East Lancs at Saltburn-on-sea, and was being transferred to the Machine Gun section when he came home on leave and caught a cold, which develop into pneumonia and proved fatal. Deceased who was 34 years of age leaves a widow and four children, all boys. He was formerly employed by his brother at the Adlington Street Cycle Works as manager. He attended St Mary's Roman Catholic church and was a member of The Choir.


From the Burnley Express dated 23rd Jan 1918: MILITARY FUNERAL AT BURNLEY.

The remains of private Thomas Fitzpatrick whose Death was recorded along with a portrait in Saturday's issue, were interred on Saturday at the Burnley Cemetery. It was of a military character the Coffin being covered with the Union Jack, and a bearer party and a firing party being present from Preston and Saltburn.  The last post was sounded by a bugler at the graveside.  The Reverend Father MacDonald conducted a service at 30 Prescot Street, and also officiated at the cemetery. The following were the mourners:-first carriage, wife and children, mother father and sister; second, Mr and Mrs John Fitzpatrick, Mr and Mrs Harry Fitzpatrick, Mr and Mrs Hartley Fitzpatrick; third, Mrs Wilfred Fitzpatrick, Mrs Alan Fitzpatrick, Eileen Fitzpatrick, Mr Andrew Fitzpatrick, Mr J Hartley (Waterloo), Mr H Pickthall;   fourth Mrs Shanley, Misses  Ruth, Francis, and Sally Shanley,  Fifth Private Con Shanley; Mr and Mrs Tom Shanley, Mr and Mrs John Shanley, Sixth;   Mr and Mrs W Shanley, Miss W Lister, Nurse Rigby, Mrs Ibbotson, Mr F Roche (representing the Men's Sodality) and Private J Gavin.

 There was a special landau to convey the Floral Tributes which were: wreath "with fondest love."  from his sorrowing wife and children; heart, "with deepest love to our dear Tom"  from his sorrowing mother, father, sister and aunt Sarah;  Cross "to our dear brother"  from John and Agnes;  Heart," with most sincere love to a dear brother," Harry and Polly; Cross, "in loving memory of a dear brother," Hartley and Kitty; spray, "in loving Remembrance of a dear brother" from Wilfred (in France) and Elsie;  spray "in loving memory of a dear brother" from Alan (in Mesopotamia) and Lillian;  cross uncle and Aunt Waterloo Liverpool; spray "to dear Uncle Tom" from, Eileen and Harry; cross, cousin Jim and Annie; spray, Mrs Shanley and family; spray, Mr and Mrs John Shanley; spray, Mr and Mrs Con Shanley; cushion, Mrs Shanley and family Mosley Street; chief, Mrs Lister and girls; heart, Mr Coopes Manchester;  Harp and cross, "a token of esteem and sincere regret for the loss of our late manager and expressing deepest sympathy with his wife and family,"  from the employees of H Fitzpatrick; spray, Kitty; spray, and Kathleen Bannister; spray, Mr and Mrs Richards Mitella Street; spray,  Kitty and Sissy; wreath, Mrs white; cross, Mrs Greenwood, Ethel and Evelyn; wreath, Will and Annie Jackson; spray, Mr W Flahey;  wreath Mr and Mrs Berry Bull Hotel;  spray Mr and Mrs Slater and family;  cross Adeline, Beatrice,Maud, Violet and Ward;  spray Mrs McManus; lyre, "peace perfect peace," from "young Kitchener."

 On Sunday at 11.00 o'clock Mass at St. Mary's Church,  the Dead March was played. Private T Fitzpatrick was formerly a member of The Choir.

Probate was granted to his widow Anne on the 12th Feb 1918, effects valued at £125.

Thomas left his army effects to his widow Anne.

Thomas was buried in Burnley Cemetery: Screen Wall. A 17060. Son of Michael and Mary Fitzpatrick, of Burnley; husband of Anne Fitzpatrick, of 30, Prescott St., Burnley.



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