Private George Howarth.
17338 2nd East Lancashire Regiment.
Missing in Action 10th May 1915.
From The Express and Advertiser dated 12 Jun 1915: LIFE PENSIONER KILLED. 21 YEARS ARMY SERVICE.
When the war broke out Mr George Howarth 17338, of 47 Cog Street Burnley, had over 21 years army service to his credit and was a life pensioner of the East Lancs. Immediately however he re-enlisted, and was sent to the front about Christmas time. This week his relatives have been officially informed that he has fallen in Action, the date given being May 10th.
Twenty one years in the army is a record of which any family might be proud, but the relatives of Private Howarth have also another brother possessing the same, and he too is a life pensioner. Also, like his brother, he offered his services but to his keen disappointment he was discharged soon after rejoining, as unfit. Private George passed twenty years of his service in India, and was in that country when the Boer War was fought. He visited South Africa later, however, and served 12-months there. When he re-enlisted last August he had been home only two years.
The brother, who has been discharged is Sgt H Howarth, but there are two other brother's in the service, and a stepbrother, their names being Privates Albert (RAMC), Robert (who was wounded at Mon's and is still out of the firing line), and Richard (who is in The National Reserve).
Lived at 47 Cog Street.
George left his effects to his father Robert.
George is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium: Grave Ref; Panel 5 & 6.