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The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley

including the churches of

Christ the King with St Teresa's, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption


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Welcome to our Live Streamed Service

(scroll down to view, make sure sound not muted)

Problem with Live Streaming Sound on Mobiles? click here

 Problems with sound and/or vision? Click here

(to dismiss the pop-up window just click off it)

Click here for the words of the Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

(to dismiss the pop-up window just click off it)

Our Parish Prayer

Heavenly Father, as your Son became the Good Samaritan to help us through our fallen times, we pray that with your help and guidance our parish family will grow and flourish.

Help us to see the world through your eyes, and to stay on the right path to help those who are in need.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.



Live Streaming Sound on Mobiles

Several people have commented that they can no longer get any sound when watching our live streamed Mass on their mobile phones. We discussed the problem with our live stream platform and they say they have changed the player that broadcasts the live stream and it no longer displays the mute button that used to be there (what a shame they didn’t tell us beforehand!). They say that the sound volume is now adjusted on the phone itself. They also say that “ Autoplay toggle needs to be off (gray) for the sound to play.”
I haven’t had chance to check this out during a live stream but on my mobile’s browser (Firefox) you go to ‘Settings’ then ‘Site Permissions’ & then ‘Autoplay’ where you’d enable ‘Allow Audio and Video’ (it was previously set to ‘Block audio only’).
If your mobile’s browser is any different would you let us know please via
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can pass it on to others?

Thanks, and sorry about all this - please scroll up to view Mass


The Sunday Morning Mass from St Mary's

will be live streamed each Sunday at 10:00am

(other services may also be live streamed on occasion)



Sunday Morning Mass Organist: Francis Ashworth, organist at St Mary of the Assumption, Burnley

Week-day Mass Public Domain Church Music courtesey of https://www.timeforworship.com/ Organist: Clyde McLennen

(splash screen photo taken at the Good Samaritan Celebration Mass, Saturday 28th September 2019)






Eucharist image by aalmeidah from Pixabay